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发布时间:2024-03-29 18:01:17

[单项选择]The largest city in Canada is______.
A. Vancouver
B. Ottawa
C. Montreal
D. Toronto

更多"The largest city in Canada is______"的相关试题:

[简答题]What is the largest city in Canada
[单项选择]The largest city in Canada is( ).
A. Vancouver.
B. Montreal.
C. Toronto.
D. Ottawa.
[单项选择]Canada’s largest city is ( ).
A. Montreal
B. Toronto
C. Ottawa
D. Vancouver
[单项选择]()is Canada’s largest city.
A. Montreal
B. Vancouver
C. Toronto
D. Ottawa
[单项选择]The largest city of British Columbia in Canada is ______.
A. Ottawa.
B. Winnipeg.
C. Vancouver.
D. Montreal.
[单项选择]______ is the second largest city of Canada.
A. Comer Brook
B. Toronto
C. Montreal
D. Vancouver
[单项选择]______, the third largest city in Canada, is well known as Ice-Free Harbor.
A. Montreal
B. Quebec
C. Toronto
D. Vancouver
[单项选择]Canada’s largest city is
[A] Montreal. [B] Toronto. [C] Ottawa. [D] Vancouver.
[填空题]is now the largest industrial city in the country.

[填空题]is the largest city.

[单项选择]The largest city in Australia is
A. Canberra.
B. Sydney.
C. Melbourne.
D. Queensland.
[单项选择]The three largest cities in Canada do NOT include
A. Toronto.
B. Montreal.
C. Ottawa.
D. Vancouver.
[单项选择]The largest university in Canada is
[A] University of Toronto. [B] McGill University.
[C] University of Waterloo. [D] Laval University.
[单项选择]The largest city in New Zealand is
A. Auckland.
B. Christchurch.
C. Dunedin.
D. Wellington.
[简答题]What are the two largest ethnic groups in Canada
[单项选择]______ is the largest province in Canada geographically.
A. Ontario
B. Quebec
C. Saskatchewan
D. Manitoba

Canada is the second largest country in the world in area, although its (21) is only some 25 million, most (22) in a 200-mile strip (23) the southern border. Over 25 percent of the (24) number live in the three main cities. The northern areas of the country are almost uninhabited (25) for isolated settlements.
Canada is (26) a rich country, and its national (27) per capita is the fifth highest in the world, but its economy in recent years has been rather (28) , because of the varied nature of what it does.
Over the last three years, the Canadian economy has been hard (29) by failing oil prices and by rising US interest (30) . This has (31) to a steep fall in industrial production-by as much as a fifth since 1981. Some (32) now think Canada is on the (33) to recovery, though more cautions spirits say that no (34) can be expected until there is
A. tendency 
B. shift 
C. lift 
D. hike


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