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发布时间:2023-12-14 20:44:38

[单项选择]How did your friend get you to babysit her kids for the weekend, or your sister talk you into hosting the next book club meeting They probably asked when you were anxious about a work project or stressed about making an impending mortgage payment.
Stress, however, isn’t traditionally associated with altruism. When self-discipline wanes, such as when you are hurried, hungry or distracted, you are less likely to be helpful to strangers (if you’re late for an appointment, you’re probably not stopping to help the person who just dropped the contents of his briefcase). That makes intuitive sense: helping someone you are unlikely to ever see again when you feel least in control of your own life isn’t likely to be productive.
Yet such selfishness seems at odds with the need for cooperation in a social species that relies on support from others for survival. So researchers have suspected that this pattern may only hold true for strangers—and that stress and
A. The quality of being optimistic.
B. The pursuit of one’s own welfare.
C. Unselfish concern for the welfare of others. D. Self-punishment to make up for some wrongdoing.

更多"How did your friend get you to baby"的相关试题:

[单项选择]How did your friend get you to babysit her kids for the weekend, or your sister talk you into hosting the next book club meeting They probably asked when you were anxious about a work project or stressed about making an impending mortgage payment.
Stress, however, isn’t traditionally associated with altruism. When self-discipline wanes, such as when you are hurried, hungry or distracted, you are less likely to be helpful to strangers (if you’re late for an appointment, you’re probably not stopping to help the person who just dropped the contents of his briefcase). That makes intuitive sense: helping someone you are unlikely to ever see again when you feel least in control of your own life isn’t likely to be productive.
Yet such selfishness seems at odds with the need for cooperation in a social species that relies on support from others for survival. So researchers have suspected that this pattern may only hold true for strangers—and that stress and
A. are rude to strangers under some circumstances
B. are reluctant to help others because of selfish
C. on the verge of losing control don’t like to help strangers
D. are ready to lend a hand to friends in any cases
[单项选择] When they advise your kids to "get an education" if you want to raise your income, they tell you only half the truth. What they really mean is to get just enough education to provide manpower for your society, but not too much that you prove an embarrassment to your society. Get a high school diploma, at least. Without that, you are occupationally dead, unless your name happens to be George Bernard Shaw or Thomas Alva Edison and you can successfully drop out in grade school. Get a college degree, if possible. With a B.A., you are on the launching pad (发射台). But now you have to start to put on the brakes. If you go for a master’’s degree, make sure it is an M. B. A. , and only from a first-rate university. Beyond this, the famous law of diminishing returns (报酬递减律) begins to take effect. Do you know, for instance, that long-haul truck drivers earn more a year than full professors Yes, the average 1977 salary for those truckers was $24,000, while the full professors managed
A. have difficulties getting properly employed
B. be employed in the fields of commerce or industry
C. have to fill out application forms month after month for others
D. work in schools or colleges with low pay

M: How did you get started in jazz singing
W: It was a zigzag mute. I went from country music to singing madrigals, to singing folk, to opera, and then to jazz. People kept offering me differ ent projects, saying ’Well, I know that you have never done this before, so maybe you might not want to’ and I would say, ’ Oh, sure. I’ll try it. ’ So I went from form to form, to form and that is how.
M: Are you going to keep moving around or are you stuck on jazz singing now
W: I think jazz is where I’m going to stay. I feel the most comfortable here, I have the most freedom here.
M: When were the sessions for this album originally done
W: The session was done in Sept. of 1998 we mixed it down the second week of October, and nothing was done with it. I was busy for five and half years in a life of death battle with a portion of the government’ a le gal battle’ that I bad. So I had to drop everything to
A. Madrigals.
B. Folk.
C. Rock.
D. Opera.

[多项选择]Describe your best friend. How did you become friends How long have you known each other How do you spend time together Explain why he/she is your best friend
[单项选择]How did Mark get there
A. By train and by car.
B. By plane and by coach.
C. By train and by bus.
D. By bus and by plane.


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