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发布时间:2024-03-29 18:59:53

[填空题]For the sake of ______ (simple), the tax form is divided into three sections.

更多"For the sake of ______ (simple), th"的相关试题:

Income Tax Form for the Year 2006

Name: ______
Government Identification Number: ______
Home Address: ______
1. Total wages earned in 2006 (this information should have been provided by your employer): ______
2. Amount of tax on income stated on line 1 (See Pg. 62 of the directions for this form to determine the correct tax amount): ______
3. Tax withheld from pay in 2006 (this information should have been provided by your employer): ______.
4. Subtract line 3 from line 2: ______
5. If line 4 is a negative number, you have overpaid. You will receive a refund in the amount stated on line 4. (See pg. 77 of the directions for this form to learn how to receive your refund.)
6. If line 4 is a positive number, this is the amount of income tax you owe. (See pg.78 of the directions for this form for possible remittance methods.)
Signature: ______ Date: ______

A. Government authorization
B. An identification photo
C. Proof of employment
D. A separate instructional booklet
[简答题]The form may be simple, and the language plain as daylight, but the inner meaning, the latent content, of a masterpiece will not be perceived without a certain imaginative and emotional effort. In this sense, the great artist makes every one of his readers into a philosopher and poet, to a greater or lesser degree, according to that reader’s powers. The novelist of genius, by presenting the particular instance, indicates the general truth. He indicates, but he does not attempt to state it--for to state the general truth is to circumscribe it, to make it less than itself. The final verdict, the ultimate synthesis, must be left to the reader; and each reader will modify it in accordance with his needs. The aggregate of all these individual syntheses is the measure of the impact of a work of art upon the world. It is, in fact, a part of that work. In this way, masterpieces, throughout the ages, actually undergo a sort of organic growth.

[简答题]A. mergers
B. acquisitions
C. tax
D. stock market

  • A.Flat Tax
    Income tax is a direct tax which is levied on the income of private individuals.There are various income tax systems that exist.ranging frOm a flat tax to an extensive progressive tax systern.
    A flat tax,also cal led a proportional tax,is a system that taxes.Usual ly the flat tax is proposed to k ick in at a certain income level,or to exempt income below that level,so that the lowest-income members of society don’t need to pay income tax.
    Proposed flat taxes usually allow little or no exemption of earned income besides the bottom-level exemption.
    Advocates of a flat tax claim that it will end unfair discrimination.They also argue that flat taxes are easier(and cheaper)to administer and comply with than complex,graduated taxes.Most political parties that advocate the introduction of a flat tax are on the right of the pol itical spectrum.
  • B.Progressive Tax
    A progressive tax,or graduated tax,is a tax that is larger as a percentage o
[单项选择]Please come and help me with this form because I don’t know how to ( ) it.
A. set about
B. set aside
C. set off
D. set up

A. worm
B. world
C. form
D. word

[简答题]GENCON Form


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