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发布时间:2024-03-28 22:34:32

[填空题]After listening to his advice I had no more (anxiously) ______.

更多"After listening to his advice I had"的相关试题:

[填空题]After listening to his advice I had no more (anxiously)()
[填空题]After the two therapists had misdiagnosed him, the author diagnosed himself.

[填空题]Half a year after his 60th birthday, Forbes had his prostate and lymph nodes removed and his bladder to his urethra reattached(尿道).

[填空题]Only after he had failed his oral test _________________________ (他才逐渐意识到练习的必要性).

[单项选择]Why was John furious after he finished his first assignment( ).
A. He felt his assignment was tougher than Sue’s.
B. His clients complained about his service.
C. He thought the boss was unfair to him.
D. His boss was always finding fault with his work.
[单项选择]After recovering from his illness, he was very anxious to ______ his work.
[A] get back to [B] get through
[C] get down [D] get al0ng with
[简答题]After he finished his duties on the farm, John often occupies himself by fishing.
[填空题]He will go home after he finishes his work. He won’t go home ______ he finishes his work.
[填空题]He will go home after he finishes his work.
He won’t go home ______ he finishes his work.

[填空题]After he lost his life for the country, people ______(carvings) his name in stone to remember him.
[单项选择]After he finished his homework, he went on ______ a diary in English.
A. to write
B. writing
C. wrote
[单项选择]A. She began to like it more after learning more.
B. She will major in organic chemistry.
C. It was difficult to learn everything.
D. She got better grades at the end of the class.
[单项选择]His mother had thought it would be good for his character to ______ from home and earn some money on his own.
A. run away
B. take away
C. keep away
D. get away
[单项选择]He had more dictionaries than ______ for his work.
A. they are needed
B. it was needed
C. were necessary
D. necessary were they
[填空题]His friend had just had a baby boy, who was______ them______ at night.
[单项选择]Only once in his life had Douglas permitted himself()control of his emotions.
A. to lose
B. lost
C. lose
D. losing


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