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发布时间:2023-11-20 04:53:42

[单项选择]was the first American President who was inaugurated in the city of Washington.( )
A. John Adams
B. Thomas Jefferson
C. James Madison
D. Benjamin Franklin

更多"was the first American President wh"的相关试题:

[单项选择]( )was the first American president who visited new China.
A. Nixon
B. Regan
C. Bush
D. Clinton
[单项选择]The first American writer who gained international fame was
A. Mark Twain.
B. R. W. Emerson.
C. Washington Irving.
D. Walt Whitman.
[单项选择]President ( ) was the first American president ordering school desegregation in the South.
A. John F. Kennedy
B. Jimmy Carter
C. Franklin Roosevelt
D. Richard Nixon
[单项选择]Historians of North American architecture who have studied early nineteenth-century houses with wooden floors have observed that the boards used on the floors of bigger houses were generally much narrower than those used on the floors of smaller houses. These historians have argued that, since the people for whom the bigger houses were built were generally richer than the people for whom the smaller houses were built, floors made out of narrow floorboards were probably once a status symbol, designed to proclaim the owner’s wealth.
Which one of the following, if true, most helps to strengthen the historians’ argument
A. More original floorboards have survived from big early nineteenth-century houses than from small early nineteenth-century houses.
B. In the early nineteenth century, a piece of narrow floorboard was not significantly less expensive than a piece of wide floorboard of the same length.
C. In the early nineteenth-century, smaller houses generally had fewer rooms than did bigger houses.
D. Some early nineteenth century houses had wide floorboards near the walls of each room and narrower floorboards in the center, where the floors were usually carpeted.
E. (E) Many of the biggest early nineteenth-century houses but very few small houses from that period had some floors that were made of materials that were considerably more expensive than wood, such as marble.
[填空题]Compared with the number of American people who had their blood cholesterol levels checked in 1990 was ______ than that of in 1983.

[填空题]Most American people who adopt foreign-born children are not famous.

[填空题]American girls who are pretty and charming usually get married early and enjoy a happy life.

[单项选择]The first American president to be elected from the Republican Party was
A. Abraham Lincoln.
B. James Monroe.
C. James Madison.
D. Thomas Jefferson.
[单项选择]Who is the first President to live in White House
A. Theodore Roosevelt.
B. John Adams.
C. George Washington.
D. Thomas Jefforson.
[单项选择]Who was the first great American poet to use free verse
A. Edgar Allen Poe.
B. Walt Whitman.
C. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
D. Henry David Thoreau.
[单项选择]When did President Obama first contact Haitian President Rene Preval, after the quake
A. On Thursday
B. On Friday
C. On Saturday
[单项选择]An American university president once commented that "Einstein has created a new outlook, a new view of the universe. It may be some generations before the average mind grasps the identity of time and space, and so on, but even ordinary men understand now that the universe is something vast than ever thought before. "( ).
A. It may be some generations
B. before
C. something vast
D. than ever thought before.
[单项选择]Who will become president if the president dies during his reign( ).
A. A new president will be elected.
B. Vice President
C. Chief Justice
D. The presidential candidate of the opposition party
Will Hillary Be the Next American President

Back in 1969, US President Richard Nixon confidently predicted, "In the next 50 years, we shall see a woman president, perhaps sooner than you think."
Today, not too far off Nixon’s deadline, America is looking at that possibility. Over the weekend, Hillary Rodham Clinton, wife of former president Bill Clinton, announced her run for 2008 presidency.
U.S. polls indicate that Americans feel comfortable with a female president. A New York Times survey found nearly all Americans saying they would vote for president if she were qualified.
However, accepting the theoretical notion of a female leader is quite different from voting an actual woman. In fact, there is still widespread distrust of a woman in the top position.
This is partly due to the biased thinking that women are weak on national security, though they might be strong on education and health care. This damages their pr
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned

American doctors say mothers who smoke cigarettes may slow the growth of their children’ s lungs (肺). They said reduced lung growth could cause the children to suffer breathing problems and lung diseases (疾病) later in life. Doctors studied more than 1 100 children between the ages of five and nine. The mothers of some of the children smoked; the other mothers did not. Doctors tested the children once a year for five years to see how fast their lungs were growing. The test measured the amount of air the children could blow out of their lungs in one second. Children should be able to blow out more air each year because their lung-power increases as their lungs develop. But the doctors found that the lungs of the children whose mothers smoked had not developed as fast as they should. Doctors are not sure when the mothers’ smoking affected (影响) the children’s lungs. They say it could have happened before birth because the mothers smoked during pregnancy (怀孕) or it c
A. Breathing Diseases
B. Lung Cancer
C. How Smoking Mothers Affect Their Children
D. Smoking Is Not Good for Mothers and Children


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