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发布时间:2024-02-01 03:40:27

[填空题]Bill: Could you tell me how to get to the zoo Nancy: ______.

更多"Bill: Could you tell me how to get "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Speaker A: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the railway station
Speaker B: ()。
A. Yes, of course I can.
B. Well, you’d better not ask a stranger.
C. Sorry. I’m a stranger here myself.
D. Yes, you can take a taxi. It’s more expensive, but it’s quicker.

W: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the National Library
M: Walk straight ahead for 3 blocks and then turn right at 3rd Avenue. It’s on the 5th street. You can find it easily.

Where is the National Library ()
A. 3 blocks ahead.
B. On the 5th street.
C. On the 3rd Avenue.
D. On the 15th street.

W: Excuse me, hut could you tell me how to get to the National Museum
M: Yes, go three blocks and you’ll come to some traffic lights, then turn left, and walk two more blocks. It’s right there.

How far away is the National Museum ()
A. Five blocks
B. Four blocks
C. Three blocks
D. Two block

Man: Can you tell me how to get to the restaurant for a meal tonight
Woman: Well, it’s a bit complicated...urn...You can take a taxi or you can take the tram. Let me show you on the map. And it’ll take about 20 minutes on foot.
Man: Oh, that’s OK. I’ve got enough time and it’s a lovely evening.

How will the man get to the restaurant( ).
A. He will take a taxi.
B. He will take the tram.
C. He will walk.

M: Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the art museum I was told that I’m very close to it.
W: You’re just about there. Just keep walking straight and it’ 11 be on your left.

What does this man want to do ( )
A. He wants to go to the art museum.
B. He wants to see a movie
C. He wants to help the woman find the museum.

F: Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to ABC Company from here
M: You can go by bus, of course. But it’s not too far, just down the road. Maybe you’d like to walk.

Is ABC Company far away()
A. Yes, you must take a bus to get there.
B. No, you can just walk there.
C. No, but you’d better not walk.

W: Could you please tell me how to get to the bus station here
M: Go straight until you come to the stoplight. Turn to the right and go about two miles. When you get to the Sunny Grocery Store, turn left. You won’t miss it.

What is the woman trying to do()。
A. Get directions to the bus station.
B. Get to the grocery store.
C. Give the man directions to the bus station.
D. Find out where the stoplight is.
[多项选择]Can you tell me how important you think imports or exports are to China Why
[单项选择]Can you tell me how much ().
A. you pay the book for
B. you spend the book on
C. the book take you
D. you buy the book for
[单项选择]—Excuse me , sir. Would you pease tell me how to get to Beijing Hotel — _________. Would you like to take a bus or walk
A. All right
B. It’s OK
C. Yes, of course
D. Don’t mention it
[单项选择]I cannot tell you how sorry I feIt when I was informed of your illness.
A. 得知你得了这种疾病,我心里真不知有多难受。
B. 我不会把我听说你生病的消息后的伤心告诉你的。
C. 得知你生了病,我心里真的很难受,但我不会把这一点告诉你的。
D. 得知你生了病,我心里真不知有多难受。
[单项选择]I can’t tell you how _____ I am to you for having listened to me.
A. helpful
B. faithful
C. grateful
D. useful

M: Can you tell me how to reach the bank please
W: Which bank There are two: the Allied Irish Bank and the Bank of Ireland.
M: I have an AIB pass card and I want to get money from the bank.
W: You need to go to the Allied Irish Bank which is near the local shopping center, Dunnes Stores.
M: How do I get there I have no knowledge of this area.
W: Cross the road and turn left at the other side. Walk along the footpath until you reach the traffic lights. You will see a shopping center on the right hand side. Walk across the road and turn right after the shopping center. Keep going straight for about 100m and the bank is to your left.
M: It sounds a little bit difficult. How far is it from here
W: It’s not so difficult. It’s about five minutes’ walk from here. I can draw a map for you if you wish.
M: Oh, I would really appreciate that.

Where can the man get money()
A. From the Dunnes Stores.
B. From the Allied Irish Bank.
C. From the Bank of Ireland.

W: Excuse me, Sir. Can you tell me how to get to the National Bank
M: Yes, go straight on for a few minutes and turn left at the crossing, and you’ll find it at the end of the street.

What is the probable relationship between the two speakers ()
A. Manager and secretary.
B. Teacher and student.
C. Waiter and customer.
D. Police and passer- by.

M: Can you tell me how much it would cost to send this package by air
W: Do you want to insure it

Where is this conversation probably taking place()。
A. In a post office.
B. At an insurance agency.
C. On an airplane.
D. In a moving company.


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