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发布时间:2024-03-29 00:21:19

[单项选择]{{I}} Questions 14 to 16 are based on a talk about robots. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 14 to 16.{{/I}}What is the origin of the traditional image o{ robots
A. Industrial specification.
B. Computer development.
C. Scientific drawings.
D. Science fiction.

更多"{{I}} Questions 14 to 16 are bas"的相关试题:

[单项选择]{{I}} Questions 14 to 16 are based on a talk about robots. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 14 to 16.{{/I}}Where is the man going to make a presentation
A. At an automobile factory.
B. At an electrical engineering class.
C. At a meeting of a public speaking club.
D. At a conference on industrial automation.
[单项选择]Questions 14-16 are based on the following talk about a driver’s experience.Why did the driver stop his car the first time
A. Because he saw a black cloud following his car.
B. Because he heard a loud noise from the back of the car.
C. Because he heard a strange noise from the back of the car.
D. Because he wanted to get something from the gas station.

Questions 11-13 are based on the following talk about Mark Twain, a well-known American writer.
Mark Twain, who wrote the story we are going to read, traveled quite a lot, often because circumstances, usually financial circumstances, forced him to. He was born in Florida, Missouri, in 1835, and moved to Hannibal, Missouri, with his family when he was about four years old. Most people think he was born in Hannibal, but that isn’t true. After his father died when he was about 12, Twain worked in Hannibal for a while and then left so that he could earn more money. He worked for a while as a typesetter on various newspapers and then got a job as a river pilot on the Mississippi. Twain loved this job and many of his books show it. The river job didn’t last however, because of the outbreak of the Civil War. Twain was in the Confederate army for just two weeks, and then he and his whole company went west to get away from the war and the army. In Nevada and California
A. His travels.
B. His novels.
C. His finances.
D. His family.

[单项选择]Questions 17~20 are based on the following talk about Christmas. You now have 20 seconds to read Questions 17~20.What can we learn from the conversation
A. The man does not like Christmas.
B. The man is always in debt after Christmas.
C. The bills are always sent during Christmas.
D. Christmas is an important festival in the west.


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