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发布时间:2024-03-29 04:25:54

Computer Needs Emotion

The next big breakthrough in artificial intelligence could come from giving machines not just more logical capacity, but emotional capacity as well.
Feeling aren’t usually associated with inanimate(无生命的) machines, but Posalind Picard, a professor of computer technology at MIT, believes emotion may be just the thing computes need to work effectively. Computers need artificial emotion both to understand their human users better and to achieve self-analysis and self-improvement, says Picard.
"If we want computers to be genuinely intelligent, to adapt to us, and to interact naturally with us, then they will need the ability to recognize and express emotions, to have emotions, and to have what has come to be called emotional intelligence. " Picard says.
One way that emotions can help computers, she suggests, is by helping keep them from crashing. Today’s computers produce error messages, but they do no
A. The author has high expectation for its potential in the future.
B. The author worries that it will threaten the security of human beings.
C. The author doubts its capacity to interact with human beings.
D. The author believes that it will take the place of human beings in many aspects.

更多"Computer Needs Emotion The next b"的相关试题:

Computer Needs Emotion

The next big breakthrough in artificial intelligence could come from giving machines not just more logical capacity, but emotional capacity as well.
Feeling aren’t usually associated with inanimate(无生命的) machines, but Posalind Picard, a professor of computer technology at MIT, believes emotion may be just the thing computes need to work effectively. Computers need artificial emotion both to understand their human users better and to achieve self-analysis and self-improvement, says Picard.
"If we want computers to be genuinely intelligent, to adapt to us, and to interact naturally with us, then they will need the ability to recognize and express emotions, to have emotions, and to have what has come to be called emotional intelligence. " Picard says.
One way that emotions can help computers, she suggests, is by helping keep them from crashing. Today’s computers produce error messages, but they do no
A. it can make computers analyze the information more efficiently
B. it can help to eliminate the computers’ innate problems
C. it can improve the mechanic capacity of computers
D. it can make computers achieve a better understanding of human users
Mobile Advertising The Next Big Thing

AInternet is the newest means of making advertisements.
Mobile Advertising The Next Big Thing

AMobile advertising has a remarkable advantage of targeting exactly its customers.
Mobile Advertising The Next Big Thing

AMobile phones are more accessible to people than computers are.
Mobile Advertising The Next Big Thing

ASome people are very optimistic about the future of mobile advertising.
Mobile Advertising The Next Big Thing

ACustomers are rewarded in return for text message advertisements on their mobile phones.
Mobile Advertising The Next Big Thing

AIf mobile ads turn out successful in Britain, other European markets will be encouraged to do the same thing.
Mobile Advertising The Next Big Thing

AAt present, mobile ads take a small share of the advertising industry.
Computer Needs Emotion

The next big breakthrough in artificial intelligence could come from giving machines not just more logical capacity, but emotional capacity as well.
Feeling aren’t usually associated with inanimate(无生命的) machines, but Posalind Picard, a professor of computer technology at MIT, believes emotion may be just the thing computes need to work effectively. Computers need artificial emotion both to understand their human users better and to achieve self-analysis and self-improvement, says Picard.
"If we want computers to be genuinely intelligent, to adapt to us, and to interact naturally with us, then they will need the ability to recognize and express emotions, to have emotions, and to have what has come to be called emotional intelligence. " Picard says.

A. it can make computers analyze the information more efficiently
B. it can help to eliminate the computers’ innate problems
C. it can improve the mechanic capacity of computers
D. it can make computers achieve a better understanding of human users
Emotion Display Rules

Emotion display rules are the unwritten and often unformulated "rules" guiding the show of emotion in different cultures. They help determine which emotion can be shown in what way by whom and in what situation. Research has shown that not only deliberate but even spontaneous shows of emotion follow rules that vary with culture. Often, what emotion may be displayed and in what way change depending on the agent’s age, gender, social status etc. One presently unpopular corollary to the existence of such rules is the implication that cultural stereotypes may, indeed, have a basis in fact.
Question Explain how the example of the professor’s four-year-old daughter demonstrates the concept of emotion display rules in the reading passage.
Now hear a talk on the same subject.
[单项选择]What emotion is the woman feeling
A. Surprised.
B. Delighted.
C. Sorry.
D. Sad.
[填空题]become big


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