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发布时间:2024-03-29 04:23:01

[单项选择]According to Appleton, if a daughter wants to be successful in the business world, she must()
A. depend on her father forever
B. go through all of the three stages in her relationship with Daddy
C. excuse and accept Daddy’s faults
D. seek out Daddy’s love and approval all her life

更多"According to Appleton, if a daughte"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What’s the daughter’s attitude to her father in the second stage()
A. Dependent.
B. Enthusiastic.
C. Friendly.
D. Unfriendly.
[单项选择]Mr. Dane went through his daughter’s essay carefully, to eliminate slang words from it.( )
A. reduce
B. exchanged
C. remove
D. exhibit
[单项选择]According to legend, Aesculapius bore two daughters, Panacea and Hyegeia, who gave rise to dynasties of healers and hygienists. The schism (分离) remains today, in clinical training and in practice; and, because of the imperative nature of medical care and the subtlety of health care, the former has tended to dominate. Preventive medicine has as its primary objective the maintenance and promotion of health. It accomplishes this by controlling or manipulating environmental factors that affect health and disease. For example, in California presently there is serious suffering and substantial economic loss because of the failure to introduce controlled fluoridation (加氟作用) of public water supplies. Additionally, preventive medicine applies prophylactic (预防性的) measures against disease by such actions as immunization and specific nutritional measures. Third, it attempts to motivate people to adopt healthful lifestyles through education.
For the most part, curative medicine has as its prim
A. refute a counterargument
B. draw a distinction
C. discuss a dilemma
D. isolate causes
[单项选择]He was always finding ( ) with his daughter’s friends.
A. blame
B. error
C. mistake
D. fault
[单项选择]He was always finding( )with his daughter’s friends.
A. blame
B. error
C. mistake
D. fault
[填空题]Thank you for your (invite)()to your daughter’s birthday party.
[填空题]According to Chomsky’s ideas about language acquisition, ______learn language by being exposed to it.
[单项选择]According to Freud’s developmental concepts at which stage of development is the individual LEAST likely to think of himself exclusively and outgrow what Freud calls "narcissistic behavior" A) Oral, B ) Anal. C ) Phallic. D) Genital.
[单项选择]According to the Headmaster, if one wants to enter a technical college ______.
A. he has to do a year’s foundation course
B. he has to have at least three 0 levels at good grades
C. he has to face much competition
D. his entry qualifications are not so stiff
[单项选择]According to Bush’s strategy for military success, the enemies included______.
A. Saddam Hussein’s former regime members
B. terrorists trained by al-Jaafari
C. war criminals
D. all of above
[单项选择]According to Pakistan’s President, the chances of the two countries going to war were()
A. great.
B. small.
C. growing.
D. greater than before.
[单项选择]According to Anderson’s view of colonial history, which of the following was true of the Mughal Empire’s collapse mentioned in lines 22-23
Ⅰ. It paralleled and foreshadowed the subsequent collapse of the British empire several centuries later.
Ⅱ. It was a significant factor in increasing the level of British political involvement in India.
Ⅲ. It helped create the post of diwani, equivalent to tax-farmer, on the Indian subcontinent.

A. Ⅰ only
B. Ⅱ only
C. Ⅰ and Ⅱ only
D. Ⅱ and Ⅲ only
E. (E) Ⅰ, Ⅱ, and Ⅲ


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