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[单选题]题目 1
2021 年单招高中英语考试复习题(150 题)
--The more I get to know Nancy, the more I can realize that we have a lot ( ). --No wonder she is your best friend.
A. in style
B. in common
C. in need
D. /

更多"[单选题]题目 12021 年单招高中英语考试复习题(150 题)--"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Nancy was surprised that they have______. They seemed to be a happy couple.
[单项选择]Could I have your latest catalogues or something that ( )me about your company
A. tell
B. telling
C. tells
D. told
[单项选择]Nancy: Have you heard about Dana She is going to get married with Graham.
Scott: ______
[单项选择]Customs officer: Could I have your name, please
Passenger: It's Paine, Sarah Paine.
Customs officer: ______
Passenger: It's P-A-I-N-E.
A. How do you spell your last name
B. What is your last name
C. How to pronounce your last name
D. How could I speak your last name
[单选题]More psychologists have found that all caregivers share a common characteristic:All caregivers believe that they are the best people for the job.In other words,they all felt that they could do the job better than anyone else.Social workers______caregivers to find out why they took on the responsibility of caring for an eldery,dependent relative.
[单项选择]Customs officer: Could I have your name, please
Passenger: It's Paine, Sarah Paine.
Customs officer: ______
Passenger: It's P-A-I-N-E.
A. How do you spell your last name
B. What is your last name
C. How to pronounce your last name
D. How could I speak your last name
[单项选择]Excuse me, but it is time to have your temperature ______.
A. taking
B. to take
C. take
D. taken
[单项选择]When will you go to have your hair ______

A. cut
B. cutting
C. to cut
[单项选择]I know you have made all the arrangements for the conference.
A. appointments
B. preparations
C. suggestions
D. ways
[单项选择]You can ask______ if you want to have your clothes washed.

A. the front desk
B. the room staff
C. the hotel bar
[单选题]May I know your name,please?
A.Thank you
B.My name is LinWei.
C.Yes,I am.
D.Good morning.
[简答题]‐年上半年,某高校大学英语四级考试期间,省教育厅领导带领相关人员检查巡视该高校四级英语考试监考工作。在巡查时发现,某班级考场内学生A某的座位上坐着的考生并不是A本人,于是检查团人员告知监考老师,责成监考老师收缴其试卷,当场在试卷上注明“作弊”字样。考试结束后,监考老师将试卷与作弊情况一起密封上交教务处,同时通知学生A某所在院系相关负责人。经过学院调查证实,该代考考生系学生A某通过网络请来的其他高校的学生B某。教育厅领导对此事非常重视,批评了该校相关领导,责成他们严肃考试纪律,狠抓考试风气,对该事件要严肃处理。该校教务处会同学工处和学院部分领导随即研究决定开除A某学籍,以儆效尤。2天以后,学校在各院系醒目处以及学生活动场所、食堂和学校公告栏中张贴了对A某开除学籍的处分决定,并由学院通知A某7日内离开学校,其上盖有学校教务处和学工处的公章。 请仔细阅读上述案例材料,并回答下面的问题: 1.按照2005年教育部《普通高等学校学生管理规定》,学生A某的行为是否构成可以开除学籍的理由?学校对学生做出开除学籍处分,需要哪个机构讨论决定? 2.学校对学生做出开除学籍的处分,该学生如果不服,在决定送达其本人之日起多少天内可以提出申诉? 3.如果学生要提出申诉,高校应当成立何种机构,该机构应当由哪些人组成? 4.高校相关机构在接到学生申诉之日起多少天内必须做出结论并告知申诉人? 5.如果该学生不服,按照我国教育法律制度的相关规定,他有哪几种权利救济方式可以选择?
[单项选择]Once you get to know your mistakes, you should ______ them as soon as possible.
A. rectify
B. reclaim
C. refrain
D. reckon
[单项选择]More and more people realize we won't have clean water to drink unless something ( ) soon.
A. was done
B. will be done
C. to be done
D. is done
[单选题]More and more high-rise buildings have been built in big cities space.
A.in search of
B.in place of
C.for lack of
D.for fear of


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