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发布时间:2023-10-20 15:54:19


Packing:1 pc per polybag and inner box 36 pcs per strong seaworthy export carton.

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Inner Mongolia, with its unique natural beauty, culture and traditions, is in a position to attract a great number of visitors worldwide. With 59th anniversary of Inner Mongolian Statehood in 2006 and Beijing Olympics in 2008 set to attract more international visitors to this region than ever before, further developing Inner Mongolia’s tourism sector is crucial to advance this potentially high earning sector of business. Therefore, the Tourist Information Center was set up.
The Tourist Information Center is taking the necessary steps to build a modern visitor information system that can help travelers to Mongolia, or even people thinking about coming to Inner Mongolia, find their way. At the TIC itself, visitors will find an increasing array of up-to-date information and materials to make their stay in Inner Mongolia a rewarding one, and people from around the world will be able to access information and mak

[简答题]Per capita emissions
[简答题]The inner support system was designed by Gustave Eiffel, the same man who made the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris.
[单项选择]Every living thing has an inner biological clock that controls behavior. The clock works all the time; even when there are no outside signs to mark the passing of time. The biological clock tells plants when to form flowers and when the flowers should open. It tells insects when to leave the protective cocoon and fly away. And it tells animals when to eat, sleep and wake. It controls body temperature, the release of some hormones and even dreams. These natural daily events are circadian rhythms.
Man has known about them for thousands of years. But the first scientific observation of circadian rhythms was not made until 1729. In that year a French astronomer, Jean Jacques d’Ortous de Mairan, noted that one of his plants opened its leaves at the same time every morning, and closed them at the same time every night. The plant did this even when he kept it in a dark place all the time.
Later scientists wondered about circadian rhythms in humans. They learned that man’s biological
A. every creature has an inner biological clock.
B. the biological clock works day and night.
C. the biological clock has circadian rhythms.
D. the biological clock regulates behavior of creatures.

The inner circle train from the City rushed impetuously out of a black hole and pulled up with a discordant, grinding racket in the smirched twilight of a West-End station. A line of doors flew open and a lot of men stepped out headlong. They had high hats, healthy pale faces, dark overcoats and shiny boots; they held in their gloved hands thin umbrellas and hastily folded evening papers that resembled stiff, dirty rags of greenish, pinkish, or whitish color. Alvan Harvey stepped out with the rest, a smoldering cigar between his teeth. A disregarded little woman in rusty black, with both arms full of parcels, ran along in distress, bolted suddenly into a third-class compartment and the train went on. The slamming of carriage doors burst out sharp and spiteful like a fusillade; an icy draught mingled with acrid fumes swept the whole length of the platform and made a tottering old man, wrapped up to his ears in a woolen comforter, stop short in the moving throng to cough violently
A. Impassive.
B. Arrogant.
C. Farsighted.
D. Scrupulous.

Earth’s Inner Core


Scientists have long struggled to understand what lies at the planet’s center. Direct observation of its center is impossible, so researchers must (1) to other evidence.
In 1889, a German scientist detected a severe earthquake in Japan. Geophysicists concluded that shock waves (2) jolts (晃动) from one side of Earth through the center to the other side. Then in 1936, Danish geophysicist Inge Lehmann studied the waves’ (3) to determine that within Earth’s core of molten (溶化了的) iron lies a solid inner core—but (4) that core was made of eluded (难倒) her. Other geophysicists quickly determined that Lehmann’s inner core was composed mostly (5) iron. Since then, Lehmann’s discovery has (6) conventional Earth science.
But now scientists are challenging traditional theory with new and radical (
A. after
B. before
C. since
D. when


Boston is a tiny place. Even when inner urban suburbs such as Cambridge, Brookline, Somerville, and Chelsea are included, Greater Boston is still unusually small in scale for a major population center. That gives Boston much of its special flavor. Unfortunately, during times of great prosperity it also creates special challenges.
Perhaps the most pressing of these challenges is housing. As the Phoenix’s special package on housing shows, the apartment shortage in Greater Boston has reached crisis proportions. Since the mid 1990s, rents have gone up by 50 percent or more in some neighborhoods. And even at these grossly inflated prices, apartments are still nearly impossible to come by. Nevertheless, some modest steps can be taken.
It’s the old not-in-my-backyard syndrome: everyone knows there’s a housing shortage, but no one wants to see new housing come into his or her own neighborhood. Such opposition can be eased by involving local residents
A. involving grassroots
B. back to campus
C. improving transportation
D. governmental efforts

PC1~PC4按100Mbit/s的以太网协议运行,PC1和PC2划分在一个虚拟网之中(VLAN1), PC3和PC4划分在另一个虚拟网之中(VLAN2),试述PC1和PC2之间IP包通信的全过程。(控制在100个字以内)


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