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发布时间:2023-10-23 16:43:39

[简答题]阅读理解(10分):百年以来。经学家专讲读书。得间。每执一卷。未领其趣先求其疵。遂以号于人而自矜有得矣。此欺世盗名之术。若医者身命之事。死生所关。岂可以虚名了事哉。不料。丹溪作局方发挥。以后此风滔滔不可止。每著一书必痛诋前贤。以为立名之地惟仲景不敢毁。则迁怒于叔和。识者见之真不值一笑也。尝谓胸中存一丝菲薄之心。则心便不能入。虽读遍百家终无所得。故。读内经即深信其为黄帝。歧伯书。读难经即深信其为越人书。读伤寒。金匮即深信其为仲景原文。读甲乙经。脉经。千金方。翼方诸辑录古书。即深信其理法必有所授。读东垣。河间。洁古。丹溪。立斋。景岳诸家。即深信其学问必有所胜。即肤庸至于冯氏锦囊。沈氏尊生。平心求之皆有至理。如此久久豁然贯通。自能臻于万殊一贯之妙。是从脚踏实地真积力久而得。非从超颖顿悟浮光掠响(影)而来。自无明暗相兼得失参半之弊矣。孔子曰。信。而好古。又曰。笃信好学。不笃信又焉能好学乎。(周学海《读医随笔》) 问:(1)、在读书态度和读书方法上,作者主张什么,反对什么,原因何在? (2)、“万殊一贯”是什么意思?



孔乙己喝过半碗酒,涨红的脸色渐渐复了原,旁人便又问道,“孔乙己,你当真认识字么?”孔乙己看着问他 的人,显出不屑置辩的神气。他们便接着说道,“你怎的连半个秀才也捞不到呢?”孔乙已立刻显出颓唐不安模样,脸上笼上了一层灰色,嘴里说些话;这回可全是 之乎者也之类,一些不懂了。在这时候,众人也都哄笑起来:店内外充满了快活的空气。
体会加点的词语表现了孔乙己怎样的心理。“不屑置辩”写出了孔乙己 的心理。“颓唐不安”写出了孔乙已 的心理。

[单项选择]对阅读教学理解有误的是( )
A. 阅读教学是学生、教师、教科书编者、文本之间对话的过程
B. 阅读是学生的个性化行为
C. 阅读教学应注重培养学生感受、理解、欣赏和评价的能力
D. 应加强对阅读方法的指导,让第一学段的学生逐步学会精读、略读和浏览


A. 分析判断能力
B. 沟通协调能力
C. 空间感知能力
D. 注意力稳定性
E. 数字运算能力


The National Trust。

The National Trust in Britain plays an increasingly important part in the preservation for public enjoyment of the best that is left unspoiled of the British countryside. Although the Trust has received practical and moral support from the Government, it is not a rich government department. It is a voluntary association of people who care for the unspoiled countryside and historic buildings of Britain. It is a charity which depends for its existence on voluntary support from members of the public. Its primary duty is to protect places of great natural beauty and places of historical interest.

The attention of the public was the first drawn to the dangers threatening the great old houses and the castles of Britain by the death of the Lord Lothian, who left his great seventeenth-century house to the Trust together with the 4500-acre park and estate surrounding it. This gift attracted wide publicity
A. Government agency depending on voluntary services.
B. Non-profit organization depending on voluntary services.
C. Government department but is not rich.
D. Private organization supported by the government.



How We Form First Impression。

We all have first impression of someone we just met. But why? Why do we form an opinion about someone without really knowing anything about him or her - aside perhaps from a few remarks or readily observable traits?

The answer is related to how your brain allows you to be aware of the world. Your brain is so sensitive in picking up facial traits. Even very minor difference in how a person’s eyes, ears, nose, or mouth are placed in relation to each other makes you see him or her as different. In fact, your brain continuously processes incoming sensory information - the sights and sounds of your world. These incoming signals are compared against a host of “memories” stored in the brain areas called the cortex(皮质) system to determine what these new signals “mean”.

If you see someone you know and like at school, your brain says “familiar and safe&rdq
A. simplistic.
B. stereotypical.
C. initial
D. categorical


A New Strategy to Overcome Breast Cancer。

Post-menopausal(绝经后)women who walk for an hour a day can cut their chance of breast cancer significantly,a study has suggested. The report, which followed 73,000 women for 17 years,found walking for at least seven hours a week lowered the risk of the disease.The American Cancer Society team said this was the first time reduced risk was specifically linked to walking. UK experts said it was more evidence that lifestyle influenced cancer risk.

A recent poll for the charity Ramblers a quarter of adults walk for no more than an hour a week,but being active is known to reduce the risk of a number of cancers.This study, published in Cancer Epidemiology,Biomarkers&Prevention,followed 73.615 women out of 97,785 aged 50-74 who had been recruited by the American Cancer Society between 1992 and 1993,so it could monitor the incidence of cancer in the group.

They were asked to comp
A. women have fewer chances of physical activity
B. daily walking could cut the chance of breast cancer
C. leisure-time activity is not associated with cancer risk
D. walking is not recommended for women with breast cancer


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