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发布时间:2023-09-27 22:29:54

[单项选择]The Chinese nation has () significantly to the progress of human civilization.
A. related
B. contributed
C. owed
D. attached

更多"The Chinese nation has () significa"的相关试题:

[判断题]信用证规定装运港为Chinese Port,缮制提单时,装运港一栏应照样填Chinese Port以免单证不符。
[填空题]国家中医药管理局(State Traditional Chinese Medicine Administration,STCMA)是卫生部管理的主管()的行政机构,于()正式成立。

A transport layer protocol has several responsibilities, One is to create a process-to-process (program-to-program) communication; TCP uses port (1) to accomplish this. Another responsibility of a transport layer protocol is to create a  (2) and error-control mechanism at the transport level. TCP uses a sliding (3) protocol to achieve flow control. It uses the acknowledgment packet, time-out, and retransmission to achieve  (4) control. The transport layer is also responsible for providing a connection mechanism for the application program. The application program sends  (5) of data to the transport layer. It is the responsibility of the transport layer at the sending station to make a connection with the receiver.

A. numbers
B. connection
C. diagrams
D. resources
[单项选择]Alberta () fourth in population among Canadian provinces.
A. ranks
B. occupies
C. arranges
D. classifies
[简答题]短文互译:From English into Chinese A joint venture is a form. of business organization undertaken by two or more parties. It is China’s Policy to enter into joint ventures with foreign enterprises in order to expand international economic cooperation and technologi.

What’s the Chinese for “deluxesuite”()。

A. 普通套间
B. 总统套间
C. 豪华套间
D. 双层套间
[单项选择]By()computation, the seller estimated that the profit will be 5 %.
A. coarse
B. crude
C. rough
D. rude
[单项选择]Motor transport has the biggest market share in the paragraph. Is it true or not ()
A. Yes
B. Depend
C. Not clear
D. No mention
[单项选择]If a shipper has strict arrival and departure requirements, which kind of transport mode he should consider firstly?()
A. Railroad
B. Motor
C. Both of them 
D. Neither of them
[单项选择]()has the currency“dollar”.
A. Australia
B. Russia
C. India
D. South Korea
[单项选择]Our latest design has won worldwide().
A. popular
B. popularity
C. popularly
D. popularize

()means that every project has a definite beginning and a definite end.

A. Projectphase
B. Unique
C. Temporary
D. Closure


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