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发布时间:2023-09-27 22:29:54

[单项选择]There is one suggestion that the footsteps of crowds walking the streets in major cities could () energy.
A. assemble
B. gather
C. generate
D. yield

更多"There is one suggestion that the fo"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The suggestion that the CEO()the prizes is welcomed by all.
A. would present
B. present
C. presents
D. ought to present

Colombo is one of the port cities of()

A. SriLanka
B. India
C. Malaysia
D. Iran
[单项选择]A flight from one country to another country is calleda().
A. domestic flight
B. international flight
C. global flight
D. countries flight

()from one phase are usually reviewed for completeness and accuracy and approved before work starts on the next phase.

A. Process
B. Milestone
C. Work
D. Deliverables

() is one of the quality planning outputs.

A. Scope base line
B. Cost of quality
C. Product specification
D. Quality checklist

You are working on the cost budget for one project. Which of the following is true()

A. This process assigns cost estimates to project activities including risks and contingency plans.
B. The cost baseline will be used to measure variances and future project performance.
C. This process assigns cost estimates for expected future period operating costs.
D. The cost baseline is the expected cost for the project.
[单项选择]()is one of functions in logistics, which can deliver goods to customer directly by order in the most economic way.
A. Transportation 
B. Distribution 
C. Sending goods 
D. Carrying goods
[单项选择]()has been one of the dominant theme in the development of logistics management. This development began 40 years ago at a local level. Today, many businesses are making efforts to integrate global networks, comprise several tiers of supplier and distributor, and the use of different transport modes and carriers.
A. Integration
B. Business reengineering
C. Supply chain management
[单项选择]One of the is sues that have to be resolved in an export transaction is the currency to()in the payment clause.
A. In
B. On
C. With
D. At
[单项选择]()an order for one thousand tons or more we grant a special discount of 10%.
A. on
B. For
C. To
D. On
[单项选择]()means saying sorry to some one that you've hurt them or caused trouble for them.
A. Delay
B. Apologize
C. Inconvenience
D. Maintenance

() from one phase are usually reviewed for completeness and accuracy and approved before work starts on the next phase.

A. Process
B. Milestone
C. Work
D. Deliverables
[单项选择]“You and Me,From one world,We are family、Travel dream,A thousand miles,Meeting in Beijing、Come together、Put your hand in mine、You and Me,From one world,We are family、”《You and Me》这首歌词,主要揭示了()
A. 联系具有普遍性、客观性
B. 真理是有条件的、具体的
C. 不同事物存在着不同的矛盾
D. 不同人的世界观是不同的
[单项选择]One of our clients is()the market()Men’s Shirts.
A. on,of
B. at,with
C. in,for
D. with,at


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