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发布时间:2023-10-21 23:05:12

[单项选择]() of the A-frames there is a strong cast iron frame called the scavenging air box.
A. At the top
B. At the bottom
C. In the top
D. In the bottom

更多"() of the A-frames there is a stron"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Cast iron pistons used in large propulsion diesel engines are constructed with ()
A. not taper what so ever
B. the skirt being tapered and smaller than the crown
C. the skirt being tapered and larger than the crown
D. the crown being tapered and smaller than the skirt
[单项选择]Cast iron and gunmetal fittings are used freely in small sizes at moderate pressure; large fittings, those for high pressure and temperature are cast or mild steelIn the above sentence, the word “those” means ().
A. east iron firings
B. mild steel fittings
C. small fittings
D. large fittings
[单项选择]Many cast iron pistons are designed with heat dams, which serve to ()
A. keep piston crown temperatures elevated for smoother combustion
B. reduce the possibility of overheating the top compression ring
C. help retain the heat of compression to prevent ignition delay
D. help retain the heat of compression to prevent combustion knock
[单项选择]"Cast iron has poor corrosion resistance to sea water, especially in the presence of bronzes" Implies().
A. east iron is a cheap material
B. cast iron can pollute sea water
C. cast iron has mere corrosive than bronzes to sea water
D. cast iron is more corrosive to sea water when it meets with bronzes
[单项选择]Cast iron carrier rings, () machined grooves, are provided for all the pistons.
A. caulked into
B. caulking into
C. pressed into
D. screwed into
[单项选择]The cast iron guide-ways for () are attached to the top section and seal off the crankcase.
A. the connecting rod
B. the cross-head
C. the piston rod
D. the air box
[单项选择]The cast iron()for the cross-head are attached to the top section and seal off the crankcase.
A. cylinder cover
B. cross-head shoes
C. guide-ways
D. scavenging boxes
[单项选择]At the top of the A-frames there is a strong cast iron frame called ().
A. cylinder liner
B. cylinder cover
C. the gear box
D. the scavenging box
[单项选择]A cast steel strong back is fitted in way of the combustion space to help absorb ().
A. flame temperature
B. fuel oil
C. air movement
D. gas forces
A. 1238.80
B. 1241.88
C. 1268.66
D. 1270.28
A. 法国
B. 德国
C. 荷兰
D. 意大利
A. 在3月达成的6月期
B. 3个月后开始的3月期
C. 3个月后开始的6月期
D. 上述说法都不正确
A. 3个月后借入资金为9个月的投资融资
B. 9个月后借入资金为3个月的投资融资
C. 在3个月内借入贷款的一半,剩下的一半在9个月后借入
D. 3个月后借入资金为6个月的投资融资
[单项选择]Large quantities of uncovered pig iron or billets should not be carried in the upper-tween decks because().
A. this does not eliminate the risk of cargo shifting
B. this will increase the metacentric height of the ship
C. this will decrease the gravity height of the ship
D. this will reduce the rolling period of the ship
[单项选择]Wrought iron has an inherent resistance to corrosion but is not to be had freely , its place has been taken by the cuprous alloysAccording to the above sentence , which of the following statements is true?()
A. Wrought iron can resist liquids flow
B. It is difficult to attain the wrought iron
C. Wrought iron should be combined with cuprous alloys
D. The cuprous alloys have mere disadvantages than wrought iron
A. 1个月
B. 4个月
C. 3个月
D. 5个月


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