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发布时间:2024-01-02 01:05:21

[单项选择]() the supercharge pressure is, () power an engine develops.
A. The higher;the more
B. Higher;more
C. Higher;little
D. The higher;the less

更多"() the supercharge pressure is, () "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The pressure in an operating diesel engine cylinder continues to rise for a short period after the piston passes top dead center as a result of the ()
A. expansion of the combustion gases
B. exhaust and intake valves just closing
C. maximum compression is just being attained
D. fuel injection occurring at that point and combustion begins
[单项选择]The highest pressure in a diesel engine cylinder normally occurs ().
A. at TDC
B. before TDC
C. after TDC
D. during air starting
[单项选择]Low compression pressure in a diesel engine may be the result of ()
A. insufficient fuel supply due to fuel pump valves sticking or leaking
B. excessive mechanical clearance between the piston crown and cylinder head
C. excessively worn fuel pump plunger
D. excessive exhaust back pressure
[单项选择]When a diesel engine compression pressure is checked, the indicator is connected to the ()
A. cylinder exhaust ports
B. injection line
C. cylinder indicator cock
D. banjo oiler line
[单项选择]An increase in diesel engine crankcase pressure generally indicates excessive()
A. compression pressure
B. lube oil header pressure
C. scavenge air pressure
D. piston ring blow-by
[单项选择]The highest pressure in any closed diesel engine freshwater cooling system is at the ().
A. jacket water outlet
B. expansion tank inlet
C. heat exchanger inlet
D. cooling water pump outlet
[单项选择]When the opening pressure of a diesel engine fuel injector is greater than that specified by the engine manufacturer, which of the following problems can be expected?()
A. Quantity of fuel injected tends to be decreased
B. Quantity of fuel injected will always be increased
C. Start of injection tends to be advanced
D. Duration of injection will always greater
[单项选择]Low compression pressure in a diesel engine is caused by()
A. low water in the expansion tank
B. improperly seated valves
C. low fuel oil pressure
D. worn or broken cylinder liner sealing rings
[单项选择]Low compression pressure in a diesel engine can be caused by()
A. improperly seating intake valves
B. leaking cylinder liner seal rings
C. late fuel injection timing
D. carbon deposits on the piston
[单项选择]The pressure differential across a diesel engine lube oil system duplex filter should be checked to ()
A. determine the need for filter cleaning
B. measure any change in oil viscosity
C. prevent damage to the filter
D. determine the need for batch filtration
[单项选择]Excessive diesel engine back pressure may be an indication of ()
A. carbon buildup in the exhaust manifold
B. overcooling of the exhaust manifold
C. eroded muffler baffle plates
D. high injection pressure
[单项选择]A diesel engine will lose power if fuel injection occurs too late in the cycle, because the()
A. fuel droplets will burn as they leave the fuel injector
B. fuel will not be properly atomized in the cylinder
C. maximum expansion of the burned fuel cannot take place in the cylinder
D. compression pressure will be too low to cause fuel ignition
[单项选择]The engine may lose power or slow down during running, when this occurs, the first cause possible may be hot bearings and () of the pistons in the cylinders.
A. crack
B. knocking
C. leaking
D. seizure
[单项选择]The power output of a turbocharged diesel engine will drop if the cooling water flow through the after-cooler is interrupted because the ().
A. turbocharger stalls
B. exhaust pressure increases
C. air charge density decreases
D. scavenge effect increases
[单项选择]The indicated power of an engine can be obtained by taking the ().
A. precautions
B. rpm
C. indicator cards
D. B and C
[单项选择]A power-driven vessel shall have her engine ready for()when the visibility is restricted.
A. immediately stop
B. immediately maneuvering
C. immediately anchoring
D. immediately going astern
[单项选择]() is a source of power by which the diesel engine may operate.
A. Water energy
B. Electrical energy
C. Chemical energy
D. Heat energy


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