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发布时间:2023-11-28 23:37:28

[判断题]Until the 16th century Latin was taught through active use of speech and written text without grammar analysis.()

更多"Until the 16th century Latin was ta"的相关试题:

[单项选择]In the 16th century, Quebec was ______.
A. an Indian village
B. a city in Canada
C. the place which we call Canada today
D. a village facing the Gulf of the St. Lawrence
[单项选择]An acquaintance with outsiders has taught the Eskimos that ______.
A. they should not accept anything that the governments decrees
B. they can gain by opposing the government
C. they can achieve greater independence
D. they can stand up for their rights
[单项选择]American technicians in Latin America complained of feeling "left out" and "shut off" because ______.
[单项选择]Since my childhood I have been always taught that it is very ______ to interrupt others.
A. rude
B. rough
C. crude
D. coarse
[单项选择]They are taught by their superiors that a soldier who ______ his post in time of war is to be shot.
A. deserts
B. deflects
C. detains
D. threw
[单项选择]Organizing and operating the bank has taught the children a lot about the banking business.这句话的中文意思是()
A.  银行业务包含如何教授孩子们管理和经营。
B.  管理和经营银行使孩子们学到了很多有关银行业务的知识。 
C.  孩子们把所学的银行知识应用在管理和经营银行。
[单项选择]Many different animals may be taught to do some simple jobs if______. [A] they have enough food to eat [B] they learn they will get something to eat in return after doing them [C] they are sent to school
[单项选择]She is an excellent teacher who has taught in four schools, ______ she taught, her principals had a high opinion of her.
A. Wherever
B. Everywhere
C. Inasmuch as
D. In such schools that
[单项选择]We are taught that a business letter should be written in a formal style ________________ in a personal one.
A. rather than
B. other than
C. better than
D. less than
[单项选择]Mother always taught me to be thrifty and not to live______.
A. beyond my means
B. out of place
C. at my leisure
D. around the clock
[单项选择]In England, Latin appears never to have superseded the old Gaelic speech among the people.
A. joined
B. replaced
C. influenced
D. given way to
[单项选择]The name Australia comes from the Latin words meaning ______.
A. happy land
B. southern land
C. big land
D. rich land
[单项选择]I think it is time they () taught a lesson.
A. are
B. were
C. will be
D. are going to be
[单项选择]Not until many years later
A. the whole truth became known
B. did the whole truth become known
C. the whole truth has become known
D. has the truth become known
[填空题]The Latin class had twenty students, most of which had had much better language training than I().

Latin might once have been claimed as the most suitable of possible international language.()

A. acclaimed
B. exclaimed
C. alleged
D. cancelled


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