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发布时间:2023-11-14 00:32:44

[单项选择]Which CLI command allows you to determine how many licenses are currently used on the routerand are further needed by the router?()
A. show system license key
B. show system license usage
C. show system license total
D. show system license profile

更多"Which CLI command allows you to det"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which CLI command do you use to determine which files are cleanup candidates?()
A. request system storage cleanup candidates
B. request sytem services storage candidates
C. request system services candidate cleanup
D. request system storage cleanup dry-run
[单项选择]Which CLI mode allows you to make configuration changes?()
A. enable mode
B. configuration mode
C. operational mode
D. active mode
[单项选择]Which CLI keyboard sequence allows you to move the cursor to the beginning of the line?()
A. Ctrl+e
B. Ctrl+p
C. Ctrl+w
D. Ctrl+a
[单项选择]Which command will allow you to quickly determine the administrative status of all interfaces on a Junos device?()
A. show interfaces status
B. show interfaces summary
C. show interfaces terse
D. show interfaces admin
[单项选择]Which CLI command do you use to block MIME content at the [edit security utm feature-profile] hierarchy?()
A. set content-filtering profile permit-command block-mime
B. set content-filtering profile block-mime
C. set content-filtering block-content-type block-mime
D. set content-filtering notifications block-mime

[多项选择]Which information would you find using the CLI help function?()
A. message of the day
B. tip of the day
C. explanation for specific system log error messages
D. explanation for specific traceoptions log messages
[多项选择]Which three CLI modes are available on the ERX Edge Router?()
A. User Exec
B. Privileged Exec
C. Super User Exec
D. Global Configuration
E. Private Configuration
[单项选择]Which command will determine if the Trusted Computer Base is enabled on a system?()
A. getrunmode
B. getsecconf
C. tcbck -display
D. odmget -q attribute=TCB_STATE PdAt
[单项选择]which command allows you to verify the encapsulation type (CISCO OR IETF) for a frame relay link?()
A. show frame-relay map
B. show frame-relay lmi
C. show inter serial
D. show frame-relay pvc
[单项选择]Which command allows you to view interface usage details in real-time?()
A. user@host> debug interface interface-name
B. user@host> monitor usage interface-name
C. user@host> monitor interface interface-name
D. user@host> traceoptions interface interface-name
[单项选择]Which command allows you to decode packets in JUNOS?()
A. debug packet interface-name
B. show interface extensive
C. traceoptions interface-name
D. monitor traffic interface interface-name


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