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发布时间:2023-10-27 20:00:46

[单项选择]Mr. Johnson preferred ______ heavier work to do.
A. to be given
B. to be giving
C. to have given
D. having given

更多"Mr. Johnson preferred ______ heavie"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Mr. Johnson preferred to () heavier work to do, such as to wash the ears.
A. be given
B. have given
C. be giving
D. give
[单项选择]Johnson preferred ______ heavier work to do.
A. to be giving
B. to have given
C. to be given
D. having given
[单项选择]He preferred to continue his work()rest on his achievements.
A. more than
B. less than
C. other than
D. rather than
[单项选择]Mr. Johnson began to work the ______ he entered the room.
[单项选择]—Which office is Johnson in —Johnson Black I've heard of______ person here.
A. no such
B. such no
C. not such
D. no this
[单项选择]--Which office is Johnson in --Johnson Black I've heard of ______ person here.
A. no such.
B. such no.
C. not such.
D. no this.
[单项选择]Nortel Industries has a preferred stock outstanding that pays (fixed) annual dividends of $3.75 a share. If an investor wants to earn a rate of return of 8.5 percent, how much should he be willing to pay for a share of Nortel preferred stock()
A. $44.12.
B. $31.88.
C. $37.50.
[多项选择]Which two differentiators make RSTP the preferred protocol for preventing Layer 2 loops in a switchednetwork environment?() (Choose two.)
A. Features such as UplinkFast and BackboneFast are compatible with RSTP.
B. An RSTP that is based on Cisco products generally performs better than the Cisco proprietary 802.1D enhancements.
C. Cisco proprietary enhancements are not transparent.
D. Information about port roles is sent to all switches.
E. RSTPs that are based on Cisco products require no additional configuration.
A. 肝细胞对胆红素排泄障碍
B. 肝细胞对胆红素结合缺陷
C. 胆道阻塞
D. 红细胞破坏过多
E. 肝细胞对胆红素转运缺陷
[单项选择]She actually preferred a more gregarious urban life style and the cultural attractions in a warmer clime.
A. tranquil
B. sociable
C. inactive
D. undisturbed
[单项选择]Which source of routing information is preferred by default?()
A. OSPF internal
B. OSPF external
C. IS-IS Level 1
D. IS-IS Level 2
A. 血清非结合胆红素增加
B. 肝细胞对结合胆红素向毛细胆管排泄障碍
C. 肝细胞摄取非结合胆红素障碍
D. 肝细胞缺乏葡萄糖醛酸转换酶
E. 肝细胞摄取及排泄结合胆红素障碍
[单项选择]In the past men generally preferred that their wives ______ in the home.
A. worked
B. would work
C. work
D. were working
[单项选择]The doctor preferred to resign rather than be accused publicly of infamous conduct().
A. unknown
B. extraordinary
C. mysterious
D. disgraceful


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