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发布时间:2023-10-10 06:56:37

[单项选择]His (mind) remained (actively) (in spite of) his (physical) deterioration.
A. mind
B. actively
C. spite
D. physical

更多"His (mind) remained (actively) (in "的相关试题:

[单项选择]His (mind) remained (actively) (in spite of) his (physical) deterioration.
A. mind
B. actively
C. in spite of
D. physical
[单项选择]In spite of his unfortunate personal experience, his songs ______ a feeling of warmth and hope to the audience.
A. complied
B. convened
C. compiled
D. conveyed
[单项选择]In spite of his breakdowns, Bruce achieved a position of seniority and in due course retired with a________.
A. pension
B. earning
C. salary
D. donation
[单项选择]In spite of his breakdowns, he achieved a position of seniority and in due course retired with a ______.
A. salary
B. earning
C. pension
D. donation
[单项选择]These pictures______ to his mind his previous days in China.
A. brought up
B. brought back
C. brought about
D. brought forth
[单项选择]His talent for music remained latent until his wife bought him a guitar.
A. hidden
B. sophisticated
C. delicate
D. profound
[单项选择]To my mind his {{U}}integrity{{/U}} is above suspicion.
A. modesty
B. intelligence
C. uprightness
D. capability
[单项选择]To my mind, his integrity is ______.
A. below a suspicion
B. above a suspicion
C. below suspicion
D. above suspicion
[单项选择]Nick had an unusually clever mind, so his success had been______ and never in doubt.
A. hoped
B. expected
C. promised
D. asked
[单项选择]In spite of the treatment, the pain in his leg grew in ______ .
A. gravity
B. extent
C. intensity
D. amount
[单项选择]To his cosmopolitan mind such deviations from the social ______ were no more than are the irregularities of vale and mountain-chain to the whole terrestrial curve.
A. norm
B. criterion
C. measure
D. standard
[单项选择]Akinori remained calm ______his anticipation.
A. (A) while
B. (B) in spite of
C. (C) with
D. (D) as
[单项选择]What instruction does the author have in his mind by asking you to imagine you have a magic wand
A. To increase you imagination power
B. To conceive a magic trick
C. To set up particularly attractive wishes
D. To enable you to perform miracles.
[单项选择]______ his great wealth, he always remained a man of simple tastes.
A. Except for
B. With regard to
C. Although
D. Despite
[单项选择]Once he has made up his mind to do something, it is impossible to stop him ______ it.
[单项选择]Has he changed his mind again I wish he'd at least be ______.
A. constant
B. insistent
C. persistent
D. consistent
[单项选择]Mr. Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to______ some schools for poor children.
A. set up
B. setting up
C. have set up
D. having set up


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