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发布时间:2023-09-27 19:31:35

[单项选择]I caught the last bus from town, but Tom came home()than I.
A. more late
B. more later
C. even later
D. the later

更多"I caught the last bus from town, bu"的相关试题:

[单项选择]I caught the last bus from town; but Tom came home __ than I.
A. more late
B. more later
C. even later
D. the later
[单项选择]I caught the last bus from town, yet Henry came home ______ that night.
A. very late
B. even later
C. so late
D. the latest
[单项选择]Tom got wet when he came home because it was raining very hard.
[单项选择]The next day Tom was dry when he came home because he didn’t want to play in the water any more.
[单项选择]The building around the corner caught fire last night. The police are now ______ the matter.
A. seeing through
B. working out
C. looking into
D. watching over
[单项选择]—The theft was caught at last. —Really Where ______ himself
A. has he hidden
B. was he hidden
C. has he been hidden
D. had he hidden
[单项选择]One evening her husband came home with a triumphant (得意洋洋的) ______.
A. appearance
B. atmosphere
C. tear
D. care
[单项选择]I gave my youth to the sea and I came home and gave my wife my old age.
A. 我把青春献给了海洋,等我回家见到妻子的时候已经是白发苍苍了。
B. 我把青春扔到大海里去了,之后我才娶了妻子直到中年。
C. 我把青春献给了海洋,等我回家献给妻子的便只有迟暮之年了。
D. 我一生在海上拼搏,到了晚年退休与妻子儿女团聚。
[单项选择]Bus services between Town Centre and Newton Housing Estate will be ______ until the motorway is repaired.
A. discontinued
B. suspended
C. halted
D. ceased
[单项选择]The first immigrants in American history came from ______, some running away from religious and political persecution and some coming as adventures from Europe for a better life.
A. England and Germany
B. England and Ireland
C. England and the Netherlands
D. England and Spain
[单项选择]No wonder you caught a cold. You ______ out last night without a coat.
[单项选择]Tom came to the party in patched jeans, ______ surprised the other guests.
A. it
B. this
C. what
D. which
[单项选择]Tom had to go to school by bus because he lived far from school.
[单项选择]He ______ when the bus came to a sudden stop.
A. was almost hurt
B. almost was hurt himself
C. was almost to hurt himself
D. was almost hurting himself


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