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发布时间:2023-11-14 07:45:25

[单项选择]Tom got wet when he came home because it was raining very hard.

更多"Tom got wet when he came home becau"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Tom got wet when he came home because it was raining very hard.
[单项选择]The next day Tom was dry when he came home because he didn’t want to play in the water any more.
[单项选择]Tom got very angry when the other boys played a on him.
A. role
B. trick
C. part
D. card
[单项选择]Tom got very angry when the other boys played a ()on him.
A. role
B. trick
C. part
D. card
[单项选择]My wife was angry when I came home late, and my excuse only ______.
A. made matters worse
B. matters made worse
C. made matters worst
D. matters made worst
[单项选择]I caught the last bus from town, but Tom came home()than I.
A. more late
B. more later
C. even later
D. the later
[单项选择]When Tom came in, Mary ______ her talk with Jane and talked to Peter.
A. broke off
B. broke down
C. broke away
D. broke in
[单项选择]It was quite bright outside when the boys got home.
[单项选择]When Mr. Makin got the suitcase contained the negatives, he felt ______.
A. very proud
B. pleasantly surprised
C. quite suspicious
D. extremely encouraged
[单项选择]When the little girl got back her answer sheet,she could not help ______ .
A. from crying
B. to cry
C. herself from crying
D. crying
[单项选择]When the writer got home, ______.
A. it was December 23
B. it was snowing heavily
C. he found a Christmas tree in the living room
D. the gate boy was cutting a Christmas tree for his mother
[单项选择]I was awfully tired when I got home from work, but a half-hour nap ______ me.
A. revived
B. released
C. relieved
D. recovered
[单项选择]When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door __: "Sorry to miss you; will call later."
A. read
B. reads
C. to read
D. reading
[单项选择]My wife was busy ______ when I got home.
[单项选择]When you got home, they ___________.


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