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发布时间:2023-10-13 12:57:00

[单项选择]He believed she would make a teacher far superior ______the average.
A. over
B. beyond
C. than
D. to

更多"He believed she would make a teache"的相关试题:

[单项选择]She would make a teacher far superior ______ the average.
A. over
B. than
C. beyond
D. to
[单项选择]If he ______ the teacher's advice, he would pass the exam now.
A. would follow
B. had followed
C. followed
D. would have followed
[单项选择]Wherever one works, as a teacher, he or she should be {{U}}erudite{{/U}}, patient and helpful.
A. strict
B. knowledgeable
C. considerate
D. serious
[单项选择]I don't think Jill would be a good teacher. She's got ______ patience with children.
A. plenty
B. much
C. less
D. little
[单项选择]She has bought some cloth; she is going to make herself a dress.
A. 她买了一些衣服;她还打算给自己做一件衣服。
B. 她买了一些衣服,也打算对其中一件改一下。
C. 她买了一些布,打算自己做衣服。
D. 她买了一些布,打算给自己做一件衣服。
[单项选择]She was sure that her Dad would hardly tolerate her bad behavior, ______
[单项选择]He was a good teacher. She ______ herself to teaching.
A. committed
B. pushed
C. drove
D. encouraged
[单项选择]He said that he would write to us but so far we ______ from him.
[单项选择]Although she did not know Boston well, she made her way ______ to the Home Circle Building.
A. easy enough
B. enough easy
C. easily enough
D. enough easily
[单项选择]I'm not sure where our teacher is. She ______ to see Xiao Wang, who is ill at home.
[单项选择]The teacher told Li Ming that he ______ get up early tomorrow.
[单项选择]______ the teacher's help, he has made great progress.
A. At
B. Under
C. With
D. On
[单项选择]What would make a person go deaf
A. Staying in a quiet place for a long time.
B. Staying in a busy street for a long time.
C. Listening to loud music for a long time
D. Living in the country for a long time.
[单项选择]What would Freud do when he was treating a patient

A. Give the patient a lot of advice.
B. Stop the patient if he began to talk nonsense.
C. Be a largely silent listener.
D. Never intervene while the patient was talking.
[单项选择]Alice's knowledge and experience would make her a ______ asset to the company.
A. unpriceable
B. valueless
C. priceless
D. unvalued
[单项选择]How much money can an adult save if she/he takes the coach service instead of taxi to the city ().
A. 12 Australian dollars
B. 6 Australian dollars
C. 3 Australian dollars
D. 4 dollars and 50 cents
[单项选择]We would make you a special quotation with a view to ( ) business relations with you.
A. established
B. establishing
C. establishment
D. have established
[单项选择]Since this would make software cheaper,or even free,consumers might live with the bargain.()
A. 由于这将使软件更便宜甚至免费,用户可以讨价还价。
B. 既然这样使软件更便宜自由,消费者会靠这种廉价品为生。
C. 由于这会使软件更便宜,甚至免费,顾客可以会接受这种交易。
D. 这会使软件更便宜自由,甚至免费,用户可以承受这种价格。


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