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发布时间:2024-03-29 01:49:33

[单项选择]Rod is determined to get a seat for the concert __________ it means standing in a queue all night.
A. as if
B. even if
C. provided
D. whatever

更多"Rod is determined to get a seat for"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Rod is determined to get a seat for the concert ______ it means standing in a queue all night.
A. as if
B. even if
C. provided
D. whatever
[单项选择]I am determined to get a ticket for the football games ______ it means standing in a queue all night.
A. provided
B. as if
C. even if
D. whatever
[单项选择]He is determined to get _______ of the profit than he had been offered.
A. ten percent more
B. ten more percent
C. more ten percent
D. as many as ten percent
[单项选择]He checked in late, () he didn’t get a window seat.
A. that
B. so that
C. until
[单项选择]I have not decided which seat
A. to sit
B. is to sit
C. to sit on
D. is for sitting
[单项选择]How will the correct price be determined
A. By calling the company.
B. By asking the sales representative.
C. By looking at the price list.
[单项选择]It is () he is determined.
A. buying a new car that
B. to buy a new car that
C. to buy a new car what
D. buying a new car which
[多项选择]Which two parameters are determined during PPP LCP negotiation?()
B. connection speed
C. authentication protocol
D. anti-replay detection
[单项选择]Whose works will NOT be played at the concert
A. Chopin.
B. Schumann.
C. Beethoven.
D. Liszt.
[单项选择]Animals' intelligence is determined by the size of the brain ______ the size of the body.
A. in response to
B. in proportion to
C. in regard to
D. in order to
[单项选择]A woman enters a hospital ward determined to torture the comatose wife of her ex-lover and ______him for herself.
A. acclaim
B. exclaim
C. proclaim
D. reclaim
[单项选择]The thirty-day forecast is determined by examining ______.
A. daily weather maps
B. upper air levels
C. satellite reports
D. changing fronts
[单项选择]Creative people are usually very determined and ______ overcoming obstacles in their life.
A. adhered to
B. thrived on
C. kept off
D. took to
[单项选择]The standard of living in a country is determined by ______.
A. its goods and service
B. the type of wealth produced
C. how well it can create wealth
D. what an ordinary person can share


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