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发布时间:2023-10-15 07:32:14

[单项选择]Which of the following shows that elephants are like human beings
A. Elephants stay with their sons and daughters all the time.
B. Elephants never forget their sons and daughters.
C. Elephants remember feelings of sadness and happiness.
D. Elephants are sad when their sons stay away.

更多"Which of the following shows that e"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which of the following shows that elephants are different from human beings
A. They stay around the dead body for a long time.
B. Only females stay together for a long time.
C. The mothers teach their daughters and set a good example.
D. The older animals would look after the young ones.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements describes the life efficial women it the U. S.
A. They do not have many choices but to be trapped in the sex industry.
B. They choose prostitution as their occupation of their own accord.
C. They are discriminated against for lack of education.
D. They are isolated from the mainstream black community.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements shows libraries nowadays serve multimedia resource centers
A. People can visit them at their convenient time
B. People can learn about different cultures in them.
C. They house educational and recreational materials in a variety of forms
D. They provide information for professional people in different fields.
[单项选择]Which of the following commands shows a graphical display of the drive or paths directorystructure?()
A. dir
B. call
C. tree
D. path
[单项选择]Which of the following shows that water quality has improved
A. Fish and birds show residues of heavy metal.
B. Toronto has grown salmon successfully in its waters.
C. Farming has prospered in the lakeside areas.
D. Lake water has been drawn for use by the population.
[单项选择]Which of the following shows that the white settlers did not need the buffalo as did the Indians
A. Buffalo dead bodies were left rotting in the sun by whites.
B. Nearly fifteen million buffalo were killed within twenty years.
C. More than half of the great buffalo herd had disappeared by 1869.
D. The railroad brought necessary food and supplies to the white settlers.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements is the author likely to oppose, according to this passage
[单项选择]Which of the following should a technician MOST likely use to test a RS-232 port?()
A. Loopback adapter
B. Power supply tester
C. The ping command
D. Multimeter
[单项选择]Which of tike following can be found in satiric literature
A. Newly emerging philosophies.
B. Odd combinations of objects and ideas.
C. Abstract discussion of morals and ethics.
D. Wholesome characters who are unselfish.
[单项选择]Which of the following utilities can be used to list the routing table?()
A. ipconficj
B. nslookup
C. netstat
D. dig
[单项选择]Which shows will be on at 7:00 &9:30 in the Arena
[单项选择]Which of the following terms on the B/L shows that the Bill of Lading is clean B/L ( )
A. insufficient packing
B. one carton short
C. in apparent good order and condition
D. missing safety seal
[单项选择]Which configuration shows the correct application of a security policy scheduler?()
A. [edit security policies from-zone Private to-zone External] user@host# show policy allowTransit { match { source-address PrivateHosts; destination-address ExtServers; application ExtApps; } then { permit { tunnel { ipsec-vpn myTunnel; } scheduler-name now; } } }
B. [edit security policies from-zone Private to-zone External] user@host# show policy allowTransit { match { source-address PrivateHosts; destination-address ExtServers; application ExtApps; } then { permit { tunnel { ipsec-vpn myTunnel; } } } scheduler-name now; }
C. [edit security policies from-zone Private to-zone External] user@host# show policy allowTransit { match { source-address PrivateHosts; destination-address ExtServers; application ExtApps; } then { permit { tunnel { ipsec-vpn scheduler-name now; } } } }
D. [edit security policies from-zone Private to-zone External] user@host# show policy allowTransit { match { source-address PrivateHosts; destination-address ExtServers; application ExtApps; scheduler-name now; } then { permit { tunnel { ipsec-vpn myTunnel; } } } scheduler-name now; }myTunnel;
[单项选择]Which command shows your active Telnet connections?()
A. show session
B. show cdpneighbors
C. show users
D. show queue
[单项选择]Which command shows the event and traceoptions file for chassis clusters?()
A. show log chassisd
B. show log clusterd
C. show log jsrpd
D. show log messages
[单项选择]Which command shows all the paging spaces available on a system?()
A. lsps -a
B. showps -a
C. psdisplay -l
D. swaplist -ALL
[单项选择]Which command shows dump components and controls live dump attributes?()
A. dumpctrl
B. sysdumpdev
C. livedumpdev
D. livedumpctrl


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