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发布时间:2023-10-19 02:48:02

[单项选择]Bob missed the last bus and was ready to walk all the way home when a van______ beside him.
A. closed up
B. brought up
C. pulled up
D. hung up

更多"Bob missed the last bus and was rea"的相关试题:

[单项选择]At last the singer returned all the money to the rich man.
[单项选择]He hurried to the bus stop, ______ the last bus had already left.
A. only finding
B. only having found
C. only to find
D. only to have found
[单项选择]When does the last bus leave the Mall of Orange
[单项选择]I caught the last bus from town, but Tom came home()than I.
A. more late
B. more later
C. even later
D. the later
[单项选择]I caught the last bus from town, yet Henry came home ______ that night.
A. very late
B. even later
C. so late
D. the latest
[单项选择]Bob: Why didn't you come to my party last nightBill: I'm sorry, ()I had to visit my grandmother at the hospital.
A. I did it
B. I still remember it
C. I couldn't make it
D. I will come
[单项选择]Bob Geldef and his friends did all that they could ______ the poor in Africa.
A. help
B. helping
C. to help
D. be helped
[单项选择]He walked so ______ that he missed the last bus.
[单项选择]I've missed the last bus. As a result, I have no ______ but to take a taxi.
A. way
B. possibility
C. choice
D. opportunity
[单项选择]We've missed the last bus, I'm afraid we have no ______ but to take a taxi.
A. way
B. possibility
C. choice
D. selection
[单项选择]ssing the last bus, we had no choice but ______ a taxi home.
A. to take
B. take
C. taking
D. taken
[单项选择]If he had left in time for the last bus, he ______ it.
[单项选择]The last paragraph indicates all BUT ______.
[单项选择]Ambition is a characteristic of all successful businessmen.
A. factor
B. feature
C. sign
D. symbol
[单项选择]Bob: Wow, look, all the things are on sale.   Jane: Yes, look here, this shirt is 50% off. _____________   Bob: And look at these shoes. They are 30% off the normal price.
A. I’d like to buy a skirt.
B. There are some real bargains.
C. Are the prices reasonable
D. These shoes are the same as mine.


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