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发布时间:2023-10-26 04:42:16

[单项选择]Old John got well after a month.

更多"Old John got well after a month."的相关试题:

[单项选择]John and Kate got married although they are very ______ from each other.
A. separate
B. distant
C. different
D. distinguishable
[单项选择]John finally got the job after ______ seemed an endless wait.
A. what
B. that
C. it
D. there
[单项选择](After) she (got married), Lily (went to) see her mother (each other week).
A. After
B. got married
C. went to
D. each other week
[单项选择]The old ______ well looked after by the government.
A. is
B. are
C. being
D. has
[单项选择]Sir John Sulston got a Nobel Prize for Medicine because he has ______.
A. found that human beings are similar to the worm
B. got the fact we share 40 percent of our genetic structure with the simple worm
C. found the computer which controls each of the cells in the human body
D. proved that cell death is programmed
[单项选择]Old John was ill.
[单项选择]The old man got things straight enough to settle down at last to his usual ______.
A. habit
B. practice
C. routine
D. custom
[单项选择]John does well in school. Furthermore, he takes an active part in the social work. The logical relationship between the above sentences is ______. ( )
A. additive
B. adversative
C. causal
D. temporal
[单项选择]The old man got into the car and they drove for two hours.
[单项选择]After Davison got into the bathroom, he
A. turned on the light.
B. attempted to hide in it.
C. made it look as if he were the owner of the flat.
D. recognized that it was a safe place.
[单项选择]Old John smoked less than before.
[单项选择]John has got a full mark in the test. He ______ very hard all these days.
A. will work
B. may work
C. must have worked
D. could have worked
[单项选择]After talking to the old woman for a while, her fear and timidity ______.
A. went away
B. stopped
C. disappeared
D. left behind
[单项选择]John got the first prize in the Math contest, ______ made his parents very happy.
A. what
B. which
C. that
D. this


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