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发布时间:2023-12-08 01:04:31

[单项选择]Every word processor we sell comes with a two year ______.
A. assurance
B. protection
C. security
D. guarantee

更多"Every word processor we sell comes "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Every camera we sell comes with a two-year______ , so you can buy any one you like at ease.
A. guarantee
B. sincerity
C. confirmation
D. assessment
[单项选择]When it comes to SAT scores, we should encourage colleges and universities
A. to rely on the scores of the Scholastic Aptitude Test.
B. to admit qualified students only to met their goals.
C. to make the best usc of test scores without quotas.
D. to consider relevant factors that support diversity.
[单项选择]Pollution comes in many ways. We can even hear it. Here it means"______".
A. water pollution
B. air pollution
C. noise pollution
D. rubbish
[单项选择]It is (necessary) that she (comes) here twice a week (to help) (do) the housework.
A. necessary
B. comes
C. to help
D. do
[单项选择]We've produced () cotton this year as we did in 2002.
A. as much twice
B. much as twice
C. as twice much
D. twice as much
[单项选择]We''ve produced _______cotton this year as we did in 2002.
A. as much twice
B. much as twice
C. as twice much
D. twice as much
[单项选择]The news that the examination would be held two weeks earlier caused quite a ______ among the students.
A. fluctuation
B. torrent
C. flutter
D. degradation
[单项选择]By using the context and word part clues, we may conclude that "bicameral" means ________.
A. Republicans and Democrats
B. two Houses
C. congressional system
D. law making procedure
[单项选择]By the end of next year, we will ______.
A. accomplish the task
B. have accomplished the task
C. be accomplishing
D. have the task accomplished
[单项选择]For a year, we have _______ the possibility of living in another country.
A. contemplated
B. contrived
C. consoled
D. contended
[单项选择]We were married on 20 May 1964, and every year we have a party on our ______.
A. ceremony
B. anniversary
C. assemble
D. entertainment


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