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发布时间:2024-03-28 22:28:06

[单项选择]What is the caravan

A. A kind of business.
B. A group of people who travel together.
C. A means of transportation.
D. A marketplac

更多"What is the caravan"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What is the caravan

A. A kind of business.
B. A group of people who travel together.
C. A means of transportation.
D. A marketplac
[单项选择]Which statement does NOT describe the caravan trade

A. Caravan trade started in the Middle East.
B. Caravan trade was well developed before sea trade.
C. Caravans were well organized.
D. Caravans were protected by local governments.
[单项选择]What attitude did the author adopt toward what the government did

A. Indifferent.
B. Positive.
C. Critical.
D. Skeptical.
[单项选择]What he said was contrariwise to what we expected.

A. ironic
B. innate
C. opposite
D. circumspect
[单项选择]What are salicylates

A. Leaves and tree bark.
B. The chemical in aspirin.
C. Aspirin tablets.
D. A Greek doctor.
[单项选择]What was burnt

A. The piece of paper
B. Mr. Brown
C. The boy
[单项选择]What fails him

[单项选择]What happens to us or what we do today will probably ______.

A. become the contents of our dreams
B. have nothing in common with the contents of our dreams
C. appear in our dreams just like the same in real life
D. appear in our dreams usually in the opposite way
[单项选择]What does a man do when he cannot get exactly what he wants

A. So long as the style is right, he buys the things.
B. He usually does not buy anything.
C. He will try on some substitutes.
D. He will make up his mind after looking around.
[单项选择]What’s your idea of a good time What about dancing in a rainy field with one hundred and fifty thousand other people while a famous rock band plays on a stage so far away that the performers look like ants
It may sound strange but that is what many hundreds of thousands of young people in the UK do every summer. Why Because summer is the time for outdoor music festivals. Held on a farm, the Glastonbury Festival is the most well-known and popular in the UK. It began in 1970 and was attended by one thousand five hundred people each paying an admission price of £ 1 -- the ticket included free milk from the farm.
Since then the Glastonbury Festival has gone from strength to strength--in 2004 one hundred and fifty thousand fans attended, paying £ 112 for tickets to the three-day event. Tickets for the event sold out within three hours. Acts included veteran (老的、著名的) superstars, such as Paul McCartney and James Brown, as well as new talents, like Franz Ferdinand and Joss Sto
A. The Glastonbury Festival is run on a profit-making basis.
B. In the 1970 Glastonbury Festival, one could get milk from the farm without paying.
C. Both James Brown and Joss Stone are skilled and experienced superstars.
D. In the 2004 Glastonbury Festival, the tickets were in great demand despite the high price.
[单项选择]What can help us know what is going on in the world
A. Books.
B. newspapers.
C. TV and radios.
D. A,B,C and others.
[单项选择]What she likes to do and what she has to do are two ()things.
A. close
B. possible
C. different
[单项选择]What does a man do when he can't get exactly what he wants

[单项选择]It is what you do rather than what you say ()matters.
A. what
B. when
C. that
D. how
[单项选择]What could he do ______ what he had said

A. was to take back
B. but to take back
C. but take back
D. was take back


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