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发布时间:2024-06-05 21:03:11

[填空题]Some students indicate that young children stop being _____ as soon as they reach school age because the classroom is a place where facts rather than imagination predominate.

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[简答题]Some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

To be sure, only children experience some things differently from those with siblings (兄弟姐妹 ). Many feel more pressure to succeed. In the absence of brothers and sisters, only children are also likely to look more exclusively to their parents as role models.
In India, 19-year-old Saviraj Sankpal founded a support group for the tiny number of only children. Among other things, the group does volunteer work to be against the myth (神话) that they’re irresponsible (不负责任的). "People think we’re pampered (娇惯) and spoiled," says Sankpal, a computer engineering student. "But I’d like to remind them how lonely it can get."
Most only children, however, say they wish for siblings only when it comes to caring for aging, unhealthy parents. Britain’s David Emerson, coauthor of the book, The Only Child, says that such a person bears terrible burden in having to make all the decisions alone. Emerson knows from experience: After his father
A. found a support group for their only children
B. do volunteer work to help their only children
C. let their only children make all the decisions alone
D. set good examples for their only children

[简答题]To please the children,some fireworks were set off a day earlier.

Children as young as four will study Shakespeare in a project being launched today by the Royal Shakespeare Company.
The RSC is holding its first national conference for primary school teachers to encourage them to use the Bard’s plays imaginatively in the classroom from reception classes onwards. The conference will be told that they should learn how Shakespearian characters like Puck in A Midsummer Night’s Dream are "jolly characters" and how to write about them.
At present, the national curriculum does not require pupils to approach Shakespeare until secondary school. All it says is that pupils should study "texts drawn from a variety of cultures and traditions" and "myths, legends and traditional stories".
However, educationists at the RSC believe children will gain a better appreciation of Shakespeare if they are introduced to him at a much younger
A. How to give pupils a flavor of Shakespeare drama.
B. The fun of reading Shakespeare.
C. RSC project will teach children how to write on Shakespeare.
D. RSC project will help four-year-old children find the fun in Shakespear

[填空题]What do children like collecting Some enjoy collecting the tops of match-boxes and others like collecting ______.

Exceptional children are different in some significant way from others of the same age. For these children to develop their full adult{{U}} (36) {{/U}}, their education must be{{U}} (37) {{/U}}to those differences.
Although we focus on the needs of exceptional children, we find ourselves{{U}} (38) {{/U}}their environment as well. Both the family and the society in which exceptional children live are often the key to their growth and development. And it is in the public schools that we find the full{{U}} (39) {{/U}}of society’s understanding — the knowledge, hopes, and fears that are{{U}} (40) {{/U}}on to the next generation.
Education in any society is a mirror of that society. In that mirror we can see the strengths, the weaknesses, the hopes, the{{U}} (41) {{/U}}, and the central values of the culture itself. The great interest in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades{{U}} (42)


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