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发布时间:2024-03-28 22:34:59


Short Courses
In order to provide opportunities for individual or group international students and visitors to improve Chinese language proficiency and acquire a better understanding of the present-day China and traditional Chinese culture, apart from the regular programs, Binhai Normal University also offers various short programs, such as Conversational Chinese, Traditional Chinese Keep-fit Sports, Chinese Music Instruments, Chinese Painting, Chinese Calligraphy, and Culture Activity and Trip.
The duration of programs can be from one week to three months. Summer Courses are from the end of June to the beginning of September; Spring Courses are in February, and March.
Registration fee.. US $20.
Tuition fee. US $320 for four weeks, US $70 for each additional week.
Accommodation fee. US $8- 10/person/day for double rooms.
Food expenses. Fixed meals are arranged for students of short courses. The cost is US $8 - 10 per person

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Short Courses
In order to provide opportunities for individual or group international students and visitors to improve Chinese language proficiency and acquire a better understanding of the present-day China and traditional Chinese culture, apart from the regular programs, Binhai Normal University also offers various short programs, such as Conversational Chinese, Traditional Chinese Keep-fit Sports, Chinese Music Instruments, Chinese Painting, Chinese Calligraphy, and Culture Activity and Trip.
The duration of programs can be from one week to three months. Summer Courses are from the end of June to the beginning of September; Spring Courses are in February, and March.
Registration fee.. US $20.
Tuition fee. US $320 for four weeks, US $70 for each additional week.
Accommodation fee. US $8- 10/person/day for double rooms.
Food expenses. Fixed meals are arranged for students of short courses. The cost is US $8 - 10 per person

[填空题]What courses are offered in order to help people assert themselves

[单项选择]The sports center will provide more opportunities ______ students and teachers alike.
A. with B. by C. than D. for
[填空题]Demand is soaring for short courses, from drumming to shoe-making, among people seeking a portfolio career—and it’s good news for colleges and universities. "Initially, I (26) a short course because I wanted a pair of fitted knee-length (27) and had difficulty finding any to fit, so I thought I would try making some," Baughan explains. "The more I’m learning, the more I think I would like to change my career (28) ." Baughan believes the current (29) climate means it’s a good idea to have a variety of skills in different areas—it should make you more (30) .
It’s not just creative subjects that are growing in popularity. So, too, are marketing and commercial courses. There is a (31) in demand for business-related courses from people who want to start selling their products online and running a business in the evenings and weekends. Experts say this kind of short course is often as popular among those just looking for
[填空题]It is suggested to provide opportunities for employees to express their ideas about ______.

[填空题]Why does EMB say they provide equal opportunities Because both ______ can apply for these posts.
[单项选择]A. To provide language learning opportunities.
B. To teach students how to be expert in computer.
C. To provide work opportunities for graduating students in the community.
D. To help students pass math exam.


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