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发布时间:2023-10-18 20:20:54

[单项选择]() of an engine crankshaft can be detected by measuring deflections of crank webs for each unit of the engine.
A. Misalignment
B. Length
C. Strength
D. Stresses

更多"() of an engine crankshaft can be d"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The crankshaft of diesel engine is supported by ().
A. tension stretch
B. tie rods
C. through bolts
D. main bearings
[单项选择]Once a fire is detected the engine should be slowed downOn no account ().
A. the trunking should be opened up
B. should the trunking be opened up
C. the trunking should not be opened up
D. should the trunking not be opened up
[单项选择]Once a scavenge fire is detected the engine ().
A. will be speeded up
B. should be slowed down
C. must slow down
D. have to be slow down
[单项选择]Diesel engine control can be obtained by the bridge ().
A. at any time
B. only after the engine room control station is switched to “bridge control”
C. whenever the secondary station is switched to "bridge control"
D. with the approval of the chief engineer only
[单项选择]Main diesel engine control can be obtained by the bridge ()
A. at any time
B. only after the engine room control station is switched to ‘bridge control’
C. whenever the secondary station is switched to ‘bridge control’
D. whenever the engine side control station is switched to ‘bridge control’
[单项选择]One cause of diesel engine surging can be a result of ()
A. injection pump plungers stuck or worn
B. low compression
C. solenoid stuck open
D. fuel tank too full
[单项选择]Diesel engine crankshaft deflection readings are generally taken at four crank positionsGood engineering practice requires the deflection gage or indicator to be()
A. placed as near the crankpin axis as possible
B. removed each time the crankshaft is repositioned
C. left in place for all four readings
D. reset to zero for all four readings
[单项选择]On a large diesel engine installation, crankshaft axial alignment is maintained by the ()
A. piston rod guides
B. engine thrust bearing
C. crosshead bearing
D. main shaft flexible coupling
[单项选择]When a crankshaft () outside the engine, it should be carefully supported in a manner which will avoid imposing high bending moments on it.
A. has to be handled
B. may be handled
C. has being handled
D. will be handling
[单项选择]The rotary motion of a diesel engine crankshaft is obtained from the up and down motion of the piston via the ().
A. camshaft
B. reduction gears
C. rocker arm
D. connecting or piston rod
[单项选择]Performance of a turbocharged engine can be improved by()
A. decreasing the amount of valve overlap
B. preheating the air intake
C. after-cooling the intake air
D. preheating light fuel
[单项选择]Combustion knock occurring in a diesel engine can be caused by ()
A. low coolant temperature
B. insufficient fuel
C. high ambient temperature
D. carbon buildup on the injector tips
[单项选择]White smoke exhausting from a diesel engine can be caused by ()
A. low combustion temperature
B. a leaking fuel nozzle check valve
C. late fuel injection
D. plugged oil-scraper ring hole
[单项选择]White smoke exhausting from a diesel engine can result from ()
A. high exhaust temperature
B. high lube oil temperature
C. low turbo-charger speed
D. low cooling water temperature
[单项选择]Low compression pressure in a diesel engine can be caused by()
A. improperly seating intake valves
B. leaking cylinder liner seal rings
C. late fuel injection timing
D. carbon deposits on the piston
[单项选择]Diesel engine lube oil can become contaminated as a result()
A. the water produced during combustion
B. the sulfur in the fuel
C. unburned fuel oil
D. all of the above
[单项选择]If the engine can be started and maneuvered on high viscosity fuel, the ()of the fuel reaching the injectors should be raised to such a point that the viscosity is less than the required value, ie27c St.
A. pressure
B. temperature
C. viscosity
D. density


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