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发布时间:2023-10-23 01:54:02

[填空题]We would be glad to receive your () export prices on the basis of CIF Shanghai.

更多"We would be glad to receive your ()"的相关试题:

[单项选择]We would appreciate your sending us a trial order, which we ______ with keen interest.( )
A. are waiting
B. await
C. await for
D. are awaiting
[单项选择]We should appreciate it if you would quote your best prices C.I.F. New York for the envelope openers () in China Daily.
A. advertising
B. advertise
C. advertised
D. advertises
[单项选择]We are glad to receive your telegraphic order of May 6 ______ regret that we can- not supply the goods ______ the end of May.
A. but, by
B. and, by
C. but, for
D. and, for
[单项选择]We would contact your nearest relative______ any accident occurring.
A. in the event of
B. in the course of
C. in the place of
D. in the light of
[单项选择]We should be glad () you would consider our application to further our study in your university.
A. and
B. whether
C. though
D. if
[单项选择]We are glad to inform you that your application for a post in our school has been ______.
A. succeeded
B. successful
C. succeeding
D. successive

翻译题:We were glad to learn from your letter of 18 July of your interest in our products. Here are the catalogues and price-list for which you asked. Also you will find details of our conditions of sale and terms of payment.

[单项选择]We'll be only too glad to attend your party ______ we can get a baby-sitter.
A. so far as
B. provided that
C. unless
D. except that
[单项选择]I would like your authorization to trim the part of the tree that hangs into my yard.
A. sanction
B. encouragement
C. approval
D. attention
[单项选择]______of us would accept your foolish idea.
A. Everyone
B. No one
C. None
D. Nobody
[单项选择]Your prices exceed world prices by 7%.
A. 你的价格是市场价格的7%。
B. 贵方价格优于世界市场价格7%。
C. 你方价格已在世界市场价格上增加了7%。
D. 贵方价格超过世界市场价格7%。
[单项选择]Your prices exceed world prices by 5%.
A. 你的价格是市场价格的5%。
B. 贵方价格超过世界市场价格的5%。
C. 你方价格已在世界市场价格上增加了5%。
D. 贵方价格远远地超过世界市场价格的5%。
[单项选择]If you ______ your problem to us, we would have been able to give you some ad- vice.
A. were to explained
B. would explain
C. had explained
D. explained
[单项选择]Your prices exceed the prices of this kind of equipment on the world market.
A. 贵方的价格超过了世界市场同类设备的价格。
B. 贵方的价格优于世界市场同类设备的价格。
C. 你方的价格比世界市场同类设备的价格都要高。
D. 在世界市场中,你方的价格远远地高于同类设备的价格。
[单项选择]( ) ,we should be glad.
A. They arrive tomorrow
B. Were they arriving tomorrow
C. They were to arrive tomorrow
D. Were they to arrive tomorrow
[单项选择]Without your , we cannot guarantee your room after 6 p.m.
A. confirm
B. confirming
C. confirmation
D. confirmative


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