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发布时间:2023-11-02 18:04:45

[单项选择]We are glad to inform you that your application for a post in our school has been ______.
A. succeeded
B. successful
C. succeeding
D. successive

更多"We are glad to inform you that your"的相关试题:

[单项选择]I'm sorry to inform you that your application has been declined. Our manager thought you were not ______ for the post.
A. cooperative
B. eligible
C. intelligible
D. sensitive
[单项选择]I'm sorry to inform you that you application has been declined. Our manager thought you were not _________ for the post.
A. legible
B. eligible
C. valid
D. literate
[单项选择]I don't mind a bit if you bring your friends in for a drink, but it is rather too much when sixteen people arrive ______ for dinner.
A. unusually
B. excessively
C. consequently
D. unexpectedly
[单项选择]We should be glad () you would consider our application to further our study in your university.
A. and
B. whether
C. though
D. if
[单项选择]We are glad to receive your telegraphic order of May 6 ______ regret that we can- not supply the goods ______ the end of May.
A. but, by
B. and, by
C. but, for
D. and, for
[填空题]We would be glad to receive your () export prices on the basis of CIF Shanghai.
[简答题]We were glad to learn from your letter of 18th July of your interest in our products. Here are the catalogues and price-list for which you asked. Also you will find details of our conditions of sale and terms of payment.

翻译题:We were glad to learn from your letter of 18 July of your interest in our products. Here are the catalogues and price-list for which you asked. Also you will find details of our conditions of sale and terms of payment.

[单项选择]A: Um so glad that you've come to our wedding. B: Congratulations, and______
A. all my good wishes!
B. all wishes!
C. happy forever!
D. all my best wishes!
[单项选择]We'll be only too glad to attend your party ______ we can get a baby-sitter.
A. so far as
B. provided that
C. unless
D. except that
[单项选择]Let me take this ________ to thank you publicly for all you have done for our company.
A. occasion
B. chance
C. opportunity
D. occurrence
[单项选择]We were very glad to hear ______ you again.
A. from
B. through
C. over
D. at
[单项选择]Without your , we cannot guarantee your room after 6 p.m.
A. confirm
B. confirming
C. confirmation
D. confirmative


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