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发布时间:2024-03-29 07:30:56


翻译题:We were glad to learn from your letter of 18 July of your interest in our products. Here are the catalogues and price-list for which you asked. Also you will find details of our conditions of sale and terms of payment.

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翻译题:We were glad to learn from your letter of 18 July of your interest in our products. Here are the catalogues and price-list for which you asked. Also you will find details of our conditions of sale and terms of payment.

[简答题]We were glad to learn from your letter of 18th July of your interest in our products. Here are the catalogues and price-list for which you asked. Also you will find details of our conditions of sale and terms of payment.
[单项选择]After working for the whole morning, we were glad to take ______rest.
[单项选择]We were not glad to have Aunt Clara's family with us because ______.
A. she and four boys
B. our house was small
C. it was the weekend
D. her family was not small
[单项选择]We are glad to receive your telegraphic order of May 6 ______ regret that we can- not supply the goods ______ the end of May.
A. but, by
B. and, by
C. but, for
D. and, for
[单项选择]We were very glad to hear ______ you again.
A. from
B. through
C. over
D. at
[填空题]We would be glad to receive your () export prices on the basis of CIF Shanghai.
[单项选择]We are glad to inform you that your application for a post in our school has been ______.
A. succeeded
B. successful
C. succeeding
D. successive
[单项选择]______ your help we were successful.
A. According to
B. But for
C. Owing to
D. As for
[单项选择]We were all very glad hearing the news ______ he had won the award.
A. that
B. which
C. how
D. why
[单项选择]So heavy ______ that we were prevented from going out.
A. the rain was
B. is the rain
C. was the rain
D. would the rain be
[单项选择]When Graham didn't come home from school, we were very worded about him. But fortunately he came to no ______.
A. injury
B. hurt
C. harm
D. damage
[单项选择]We need a recommendation letter from your former employer before we can give you a definite answer.
A. 在得到我们的答复之前,你必须向你原来的老板去索要一份证明函。
B. 我们给你答复的前提是,你以前的老板愿意向我们提供一份推荐函。
C. 我们需要你以前的雇主提供一份推荐雨,然后才能给你明确的答复。
D. 我们给你的答复是,你向以前的老板索取一份肯定你工作的证明信。
[单项选择]We'll be only too glad to attend your party ______ we can get a baby-sitter.
A. so far as
B. provided that
C. unless
D. except that
[单项选择]When we were in the mountains, we often found ourselves entirely enveloped by the fog.
A. confined
B. surrounded
C. darkened
D. blocked


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