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发布时间:2023-11-01 00:17:35

[单项选择]Recently three new applications were installed on all the desktops in a company branch. One of the applications causes Windows to crash on startup, but the technician is unable to find out which application it is. Without removing all three applications, which of the following is the BEST way to determine the cause of the crash?()
A. Launch REGEDIT and remove the offending applications from the Run key.
B. Start the computer in Safe Mode and check Event Viewer.
C. Put in the ERD and when the window pops up select the option for Repair Broken Links and Applications.
D. Hit the F6 key as Windows loads and run Repair Broken Links and Applications.

更多"Recently three new applications wer"的相关试题:

[单项选择]An administrator recently installed a new array controller into a server. When the server is running POST the controller does not appear as present. Which of the following could be the reason for this?()
A. The server BIOS firmware is out-of-date.
B. The server does not have the correct drivers.
C. The server hard drives have not begun to spin.
D. The server has too little memory installed.
[单项选择]A technician recently installed a new firewall. Which of the following ports must be open to permit HTTPS traffic?()
A. 21
B. 23
C. 80
D. 443
[单项选择]A company has recently received a new ADSL backup Internet connection. Which of the followingwill MOST likely be used between the modem and the ISP?()
C. IPSec
[单项选择]Gathering of more than three persons were prohibited, supposedly in the name of______.
A. the law and the order
B. law and order
C. the order and the law
D. order and law
[单项选择]The three foreigners were pushed out of the way because______.
A. they did not queue for the bus
B. they were foreigners
C. the people were unfriendly
D. there were not any reasons
[单项选择]In the accident three men were trapped in a submerged vehicle, and their only hope was another man whose legs were broken.
A. wrecked
B. burnt
C. overturned
D. sunk
[单项选择]The three women were put into prison because ______.
[单项选择](Until recently), women (were) forbidden (by law) (from owning) property.
A. Until recently
B. were
C. by law
D. from owning

Passage Three In 1968, five people were murdered in Northern California. The killer called himself the Zodiac. He either shot or knifed his victims. No one knew when, where, or who the Zodiac would kill next. Paul Stine is believed to have been his final victim. Stine was a cab driver in San Francisco when he was shot to death in 1969. The Zodiac sent a piece of Stine’s bloody shirt to a newspaper bragging about the killing. The Zodiac has been compared with the recent Washington, D.C. snipers. These serial killers seemed to have no reason for the murders. Victims were chosen at random. Letters were sent to newspapers. In the letters, the killers made fun of the police who tried to catch them. Both the Zodiac and the D.C. sniper got thrills out of murdering and scaring people. Arthur Allen was thought to be the Zodiac. The police never charged him. He denied that he had done the murders. When Allen died in 1992, tests were done on his body. Part of his brain tissue w
A. private investigator
B. San Francisco taxi driver
C. prime suspect
D. newspaper reporter

[单项选择]Three people,(), were injured in the accident.
A. included a child
B. include a child
C. including a child
D. includes a child
[单项选择] A new processor was recently installed on a one year old motherboard, replacing the original processor. The processor is on the motherboard’s supported processor list and was double checked for proper installation. However, the PC refuses to POST properly and displays no video onscreen. Which of the following is the MOST likely issue?()
A. Too much thermal paste was used on the processor and it is preventing boot.
B. The motherboard needs to have its PWD jumper removed before the first boot.
C. The motherboard needs to have the most recent BIOS version installed.
D. The motherboard needs to have a newer CMOS chip installed.
[单项选择]A: Why were only three of you present at the meeting B: ______.
[单项选择]Three new buildings ______ on the campus by the end of this year.
A. will be built
B. are going to be built
C. will have been built
D. have been built
[单项选择]The city residents of New Orleans were unsatisfied because
A. they underwent a heavy hurricane attack.
B. the forecast hurricane did not hit the city.
C. the hurricane warning arrived rather late.
D. its precautionary measures were wasted.
[单项选择]She had three sons, ______ were doctors.
A. whom
B. who
C. which
D. that


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