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发布时间:2023-12-03 18:26:18

[单项选择]A newly installed floppy drive activity light stays on. Which of the following is the MOST likely problem?()
A. The computer does not support this type of drive.
B. Connector is plugged in backwards.
C. Power is plugged in backwards.
D. All floppies are corrupt.

更多"A newly installed floppy drive acti"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A technician replaced a floppy drive and now the front indicator light is consistently illuminated.Which of the following is the cause for this?()
A. It is a feature of new floppy drives.
B. The data cable was put on backwards.
C. A disk is being read by the floppy drive.
D. The new floppy drive is defective.
[单项选择]A floppy drive is replaced in a computer and now when the computer is turned on the floppy drive light is constantly lit. Which of the following is the MOST likely cause?()
A. The power supply has failed.
B. The drive cable is connected backwards.
C. The floppy drive has failed.
D. The proper drivers have not been loaded.
[单项选择]A new floppy drive was just installed into a PC. The drive powers on at system boot but the status LED does not turn off during operation. Which of the following is MOST likely the issue?()
A. The power cable was installed incorrectly and needs to be flipped.
B. The floppy drive was not enabled within the motherboard’s BIOS.
C. The FDD cable was installed incorrectly and needs to be flipped.
D. A Molex power cable was used instead of a Berg cable.
[单项选择]Pirated compact disks and floppy disks remained the second biggest vehicle for the spread of computer viruses despite the governments' determined efforts to quash software piracy.
A. boost
B. prevent
C. crush
D. restrict
[单项选择]The newly developing science of artificial intelligence aims at programming the computer to think, reason and react()people do.
A. by the same way as
B. in much the same way that
C. with the same way as
D. as much as the same way that
[单项选择]Newly married couples are usually good listeners but become ______ as the years go by.
A. poor
B. poorer
C. poorest
D. less poor
[单项选择]The newly designed zoom has overcome distortion previously ______ in a zoom of this range.
A. inherent
B. genetic
C. coherent
D. generic
[单项选择]What are the characters of newly written textbooks
A. Demonstration and practice.
B. Remembering and understanding.
C. Practice and application.
D. Demonstration and remembering.
[单项选择]These newly unearthed cultural relics on the origin of Chinese characters ______ the intelligence of our remote ancestors.
A. manifest
B. magnify
C. maintain
D. manipulate
[单项选择]The newly elected leader has declared his intention of cleaning ______ the civil administrative organs.
A. down
B. off
C. up
D. out
[单项选择]A customer reports that their newly purchased Windows Vista Home Premium notebook is unable tosee other computers in their home office. Which of the following is the MOST likely cause? ()
A. The Windows Defender service is turned on.
B. The Network Location Type is Work.
C. The Network Location Type is Private.
D. The Network Location Type is Public.
[单项选择]Newly-found fossilized tracks in Alaska proved that dinosaurs' migration between Asia and North America took place
A. much earlier than experts previously thought.
B. much later than experts previously thought.
C. after Asia became an independent continent.
D. sometime around 25 million years ago.
[单项选择]Villagers and those newly arrived from Europe, fed up with terms of employment and tenancy in the rural areas, took advantage of cheap modern transportation to move into the cities.
A. discontented with
B. acquainted with
C. furnished with
D. favoured with
[单项选择]Newly- found fossilized tracks in Alaska proved that dinosaurs' migration between Asia and North America took place ________.
A. much earlier than experts previously thought.
B. much later than experts previously thought.
C. after Asia became an independent continent.
D. sometime around 25 million years ago.
[单项选择]The newly free people adopt democratic forms of government______ all the goodies they see on TV will materialize instantly.
A. in order that
B. in case
C. in the belief that
D. even though
[单项选择]The client has a newly positive Mantoux skin test although she does not have active tuberculosis. Which medical therapy would be appropriate for her
[单项选择]A client with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes mellitus is learning about diabetic foot care. Which of the following statements by the client indicates further instruction is needed
A. "I should use lotions. "
B. "I should use antiperspirants. "
C. "I should use foot soaks. "
D. "I should use nail files. "


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