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发布时间:2023-10-04 06:26:39

[单项选择]Mrs. Li became a teacher in 1985. She ______ for twenty years by next summer.
A. will teach
B. would have taught
C. has been teaching
D. will have been teaching

更多"Mrs. Li became a teacher in 1985. S"的相关试题:

[单项选择]I don't think Jill would be a good teacher. She's got ______ patience with children.
A. plenty
B. much
C. less
D. little
[单项选择]Mrs. White became a teacher in 1985. She()for twenty years by next summer.
A. will teach
B. will have taught
C. has been teaching
D. will have been taught
[单项选择]The teacher said she liked my composition, and then {{U}}proceeded{{/U}} to criticize every line of it!
A. continued
B. finished
C. revealed
D. enjoyed
[单项选择]Although Helen is a new teacher, she knows ( ) student in her class.
A. every of
B. every
C. all
D. all of
[单项选择]Mrs. White became a teacher in 1985. She ______ for twenty years by next summer.
A. will teach
B. will have taught
C. has been teaching
D. will have been taught
[单项选择]Miss Li is our teacher, and she teaches ______ English.
[单项选择]—( )the woman there be our English teacher
—She( ) be, but I' m not sure.
A. May... mustn't
B. Can... may
C. Can... can't
D. Must... needn't
[单项选择]Although Helen is a new teacher, she knows ______ student in her class.
A. every of
B. every
C. all
D. all of
[单项选择]He was a good teacher. She ______ herself to teaching.
A. committed
B. pushed
C. drove
D. encouraged
[单项选择]Mrs. White became a teacher in i985. She ______for twenty years by next summer.
A. will teach
B. would have taught
C. has been teaching
D. will have been teaching
[单项选择]Li Lida became the youngest person ever to cross the channel Hainan Island and the mainland.
A. among
B. between
C. from
D. near
[单项选择]She didn't plan to become an actress. She wanted to be six feet tall. She wanted to be a veterinarian. She wanted to be happy and make others happy.()
A. fragment
B. comma splice
C. choppy
D. correct
[单项选择]She didn't go to the cinema last night,()she had to finish her term paper.
A. as
B. if
C. till
D. though

()the help of-the teacher, he became a good student.

A. Under
B. On
C. With
[单项选择]I became a teacher because I preferred books and people () politics.
A. than
B. to
C. rather
D. against


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