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发布时间:2024-03-30 05:41:24

[单项选择]You are working on a software development project. On this project, a number of tests must be performed, including some that must be performed multiple time. The project includes activities whose sequence is conditional based on the outcomes of prior activities. For example, if an error is discovered through inspection, the project’s design may have to be modified, creating the need for additional testing. The network technique best able to handle these situations is ______ .
A. PDM network
B. PERT chart
C. GERT network
D. ADM network

更多"You are working on a software devel"的相关试题:

[单项选择]You are working on a software development project and there is 60% probability that development will be completed by the planned date and 70% probability that testing will be completed by the planned date.What is the probability that development and testing will be completed as per schedule ?()
A. 65%.
B. 42%.
C. 66%.
D. 63%.
[单项选择]You are in the development phase of a software project and meeting the development team to collect the status.You want to show the team members the actual dependencies of different tasks.Which scheduling tool you will be using to explain them ?()(choose the best answer)
A. Milestone char
B. Flow char
C. Network diagra
D. Gantt char
[填空题]With the development of clever software, computing has been brought into ______.

[单项选择]The software development project is not going well.There are over 30 stakeholders,and no one can agree on the project objectives.One stakeholder believes the project can achieve a 30 percent improvement while another believes a 50 percent improvement is possible.The project manager thinks a 10 percent improvement is more realistic.What is the BEST course of action ?()
A. Move forward with the project and look for more information later to settle the issu
B. Average the numbers and use that as an objectiv
C. Perform a feasibility analysi
D. Ask the sponsor to make the final decisio

W: Were you hard-working when you were in high school, David
M: Yes, I studied hard. But I also liked football and music.

What is true about David when he was a high school student( ).
A. He studied hard.
B. He liked football.
C. He liked music.
D. All of the above.
[单项选择]As an important phase in software development, software design is the continuation of software requirement analysis phase. Ⅰ.software structure   Ⅱ.software procedure Ⅲ.software module    Ⅳ.software document which of the following should be included in software design phase
A. Ⅰand Ⅱ
B. Ⅱand Ⅲ
C. Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ
D. All
[单项选择]The process of software development doesn’t include ______.
A. verification function
B. writing code
C. management function
D. validation function
[单项选择]基于软件架构的设计(Architecture Based Software Development,ABSD)强调由商业、质量和功能需求的组合驱动软件架构设计。它强调采用______来描述软件架构,采用______来描述需求。

A. 类图和序列图
B. 视角与视图
C. 构件和类图
D. 构件与功能
You are to write in three parts:
In the first part, state clearly your viewpoint.
In the second part, support your view with one or two reasons.
In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.

[单项选择]基于软件架构的设计(Achitecture Based Software Development,ABSD)强调由商业、质量和功能需求的组合驱动软件架构设计。它强调采用 (11) 来描述软件架构,采用 (12) 来描述需求。

A. 类图和序列图
B. 视角与视图
C. 构件和类图
D. 构件与功能
[简答题]基于构件的软件开发(Component-Based Software Development,CBSD)是一种基于分布对象技术,强调通过可复用构件设计与构造软件系统的软件复用途径。基于构件的软件系统中的构件可以是COTS(Commercial-Off-The-Shelf)构件,也可以是通过其他途径获得的构件(如自行开发)。CBSD体现了“购买而不是重新构造”的哲学,将软件开发的重点从程序编写转移到了基于已有构件的组装,以更快地构造系统,减轻用来支持和升级大中型软件系统所需要的维护负担,从而降低软件开发的费用。
[简答题]Working in a kindergarten you have to have
[单项选择]Where do you think the woman is working
A. At a restaurant.
B. At a department store.
C. At a hotel.
D. At a cleaner’’s.
[多项选择]How do you characterize the future development of communications


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