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发布时间:2023-10-23 09:22:25

[单项选择]We want every minute to count.
A. The minute is the basic unit of our lifetime.
B. Every minute should be precisely measured.
C. We want to make use of every minute effectively.
D. Everyone should be aware of the limit of his lifetime.

更多"We want every minute to count."的相关试题:

[单项选择]We were married on 20 May 1964, and every year we have a party on our ______.
A. ceremony
B. anniversary
C. assemble
D. entertainment
[单项选择]Every camera we sell comes with a two-year______ , so you can buy any one you like at ease.
A. guarantee
B. sincerity
C. confirmation
D. assessment
[单项选择]We should recognize that every company and every person is part of a long ______ of customers and suppliers.
A. pool
B. line
C. stream
D. chain
[单项选择]What should we avoid doing if we want succeed according to the conversation

[单项选择]Every word processor we sell comes with a two year ______.
A. assurance
B. protection
C. security
D. guarantee
[单项选择]We make it clear that we want those responsible ______.
A. punished
B. punishing
C. to punish
D. being punishing
[单项选择]If we want to be healthy and enjoy life, we should not only work hard but also have recreation.
[单项选择]If we want to win the confidence of people, we should ______ their feelings and interests
A. take ... in account
B. take ... into account
C. take ... in count
D. take ... into count
[单项选择]Every minute must be made full use of ______ our lessons, for the college entrance exam is coming.
A. going over
B. to go over
C. go over
D. our going over
[单项选择]Every minute must be made full use ______ at the preparations for the exams.
A. of to work
B. of work
C. of working
D. to working
[单项选择]Every morning, we are asked ______ taken our temperatures.
[单项选择]If you want to have a walk every morning in Lincoln Park, which hotel should be the best choice
A. Chicago Lakeshore
B. Whitehall Hotel
C. Days Inn Downtown Gold Coast
D. Ramada Inn Lakeshore
[单项选择]We shall have to ______ if we want to go to Florida this summer.
A. lay up
B. save up
C. make off
D. put away
[单项选择]When we want to buy something from other countries, we should make () first.
A. an offer
B. a inquiry
C. a confirmation
D. an acceptance


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